The purpose of the Code of Student Conduct is to set forth Northeastern Universitys expectations of behavior that promote the safety and welfare of the Northeastern community. The Code of Student Conduct gives an overview of what constitutes a violation of academic integrity. Violations of the Code are handled and/or overseen by the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution.

Hearing officers and the Student Conduct Board have discretion to impose sanctions for a “responsible” finding of an academic integrity violation that range in severity from a written warning to expulsion and include an action taken by the student to help rebuild trust within the community. OSCCR does not have authority over assignment of course grades. Therefore, a student who violates Northeastern's Academic Integrity Policy may also be subject to academic consequences at the discretion of the instructor in the course.

When a student has been found responsible for violating the Academic Integrity Policy, faculty members have the discretion to apply an academic consequence. Academic consequences may include:

  • Resubmission: resubmission of an assignment, or retaking an exam or quiz, without penalty
  • Single grade reduction: reduction of grade or failure on project, exam, quiz, or other academic exercise on which the student was found responsible for violating the Academic Integrity Policy
  • Course grade reduction: reduction of course grade or failure in the course

Consequences of violating academic integrity should be described in the course syllabus. When assigning consequences, faculty may consider:

  • The students familiarity with academic integrity expectations
  • The amount of instruction the student has had on the violation
  • The percentage of the assignment/assessment affected by the alleged violation
  • The value of the affected assignment/assessment on the course grade
  • The impact of the violation on others

Academic consequences may be applied through a process defined by the college.