Course Lists

Elementary-Level-Two Language Courses

Elementary-level-two courses have prerequisites. Click on the course number below for details.
Elementary ASL 2
Elementary Arabic 2
Elementary Chinese 2
Elementary French 2
Elementary German 2
Elementary Hebrew 2
Elementary Italian 2
Elementary Japanese 2
Elementary Korean 2
Elementary Portuguese 2
Elementary Russian 2

Intermediate-Level Language Courses

Intermediate-level courses have prerequisites. Click the course number for details.
American Sign Language
Intermediate ASL 1
Intermediate ASL 2
Advanced ASL 1
Advanced ASL 2
Intermediate Arabic 1
Intermediate Arabic 2
Advanced Arabic 1
Intermediate Chinese 1
Intermediate Chinese 2
Advanced Chinese 1
Advanced Chinese 2
Intermediate French 1
Intermediate French 2
Advanced French 1
Advanced French 2
Intermediate German 1
Intermediate German 2
Advanced German 1
Advanced German 2
Intermediate Hebrew 1
Intermediate Hebrew 2
Intermediate Italian 1
Intermediate Italian 2
Advanced Italian 1
Advanced Italian 2
Intermediate Japanese 1
Intermediate Japanese 2
Intermediate Japanese Immersion 1
Intermediate Japanese Immersion 2
Advanced Japanese 1
Advanced Japanese 2
Advanced Japanese Immersion 1
Advanced Japanese Immersion 2
Intermediate Portuguese 1
Intermediate Portuguese 2
Advanced Portuguese 1
Intermediate Russian 1
Intermediate Russian 2
Advanced Russian 1
Advanced Russian 2
Intermediate Spanish 1
Intermediate Spanish 2: Becoming a Global Citizen
Advanced Spanish 1: Deconstructing Borders
Advanced Spanish 2: Hispanic and Latinx Identity

 Intermediate-Level Culture, History, or Society Courses

Intermediate-level culture, history, or society courses may have prerequisites. Click the course number for details.
American Sign Language
Deaf People in Society
Dynamics of the Deaf/Blind Community: Culture, History, and Communication
Dynamics of the Deaf/Blind Community: Culture, History, and Communication
Deaf History and Culture
ASL Linguistics
Introduction to Middle Eastern History
Modern Middle East
MUSC 1129
Islam: Rituals, Traditions, and Debates
Government and Politics in the Middle East
Arab-Israeli Conflict
Model Arab League
Modern Chinese History and Culture
China: Governance and Foreign Policy
Introduction to French Culture
French Film and Culture
Introduction to Middle Eastern History
Modern Middle East
History of the Jews in the Modern World
Jewish Religion and Culture
MUSC 1129
Jewish Religion and Culture
Government and Politics in the Middle East
Arab-Israeli Conflict
Introduction to Italian Culture
Japanese Film
Introduction to Japanese Pop Culture
Japanese Literature and Culture
Modern Japan
Introduction to Korean Pop Culture
Latin American Society and Development
Latin American Film
Cultural History of Spain
Latin American Culture, History, and Politics
Social Justice in Latin American and Latinx Film
New Narratives: Latin America after 1989
Literature, Arts, and Poverty in Latin America
Culture, Politics, and Media in Spain
Latin American Literature
Introduction to Latin American History
Latino, Latin American, and Caribbean Studies