Professional Code of Conduct

Healthcare professionals are required to adhere to rigorous standards of professional behavior. Professionalism is not just a concept but a tangible aspect of students’ academic journey. The department values the early recognition of positive behaviors and eliminating unprofessional behaviors. This proactive approach benefits the student, the student body, the program, the department, and the healthcare community. Eliminating unprofessional behavior ensures that students progress through the program with adequate knowledge and clinical skills to meet the program's standards and demonstrate behaviors necessary for professional practice as a healthcare team member.

Students are expected to demonstrate professional behavior in all academic, nonacademic, and extracurricular activities on and off campus. The professional conduct code applies to any situation affecting a student’s fitness for continued enrollment or entry into professional practice.

Students who engage in significant or repeated unprofessional conduct will be referred to the Department of Medical Sciences Academic Standing Committee for a hearing. Students may face consequences that include, but are not limited to, required remediation, repetition of coursework, repetition of a course, deceleration in the program, or dismissal from the program. An egregious violation of professional standards, including during didactic or clinical experiences, may result in immediate dismissal from the program.

If a student believes they have been erroneously, capriciously, or otherwise unfairly treated by the decision of the ASC, graduate students may pursue appeals as outlined in the collegewide appeals process.

Statement of Professional Behavior

Students are expected to exhibit professionalism through dedication, accountability, and respect. This includes being punctual, reliable, open to feedback, and maintaining integrity and teamwork in all academic and professional interactions. Such behaviors foster a respectful and productive environment that supports excellence and collaboration.

The following is an illustrative, nonexhaustive list of common examples of expected professional behavior.   

Scholarship and Commitment to Excellence

Students are expected to demonstrate high dedication to their academic and professional responsibilities. This includes:

  • Consistently attend all classes, required activities, appointments, and meetings on time.
  • Submit assignments by deadlines.
  • Participate in a manner that is respectful and conducive to learning without causing disruptions.
  • Take initiative in fulfilling responsibilities without needing continuous reminders.
  • Demonstrate behaviors that promote and reflect a commitment to academic excellence and scholarly pursuits.

Accountability and Initiative

Students are expected to:

  • Accept responsibility for actions, including any mistakes or errors.
  • Complete tasks and responsibilities in a timely and reliable manner.
  • Address and correct inappropriate behavior in themselves and others.
  • Show initiative and accountability in academic and professional roles, and actively seek ways to contribute positively.

Self-Growth and Self-Care

Students are expected to:

  • Be open to and actively seek constructive feedback to improve performance.
  • Demonstrate awareness of one’s limitations and be willing to seek help.
  • Implement recommendations from faculty and others to enhance learning and performance.
  • Demonstrate adaptability and flexibility in various environments, including patient care and classroom settings.
  • Maintain personal health and avoid behaviors that could be harmful to personal well-being.
  • Take ownership and initiative for self-growth and self-care.

Responsibility and Sense of Duty

Students are expected to:

  • Adhere to all relevant policies, procedures, and instructions.
  • Dress appropriately for professional settings, including patient care and research environments.
  • Exhibit a strong sense of duty and responsibility in all professional undertakings.

Compassion and Respect for Others

Students are expected to:

  • Respect the rights of others in both academic and professional settings.
  • Demonstrate compassion and respect in interactions with others.
  • Establish and maintain appropriate boundaries with patients, family members, community-based mentors, fellow students, faculty, and staff.
  • Demonstrate equal respect for all individuals, regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, or socioeconomic status.
  • Uphold the confidentiality rights of patients and others.

Integrity and Trustworthiness

Students are expected to:

  • Provide accurate and truthful information in all academic, professional, research, and administrative settings.
  • Operate within the scope of one’s role and responsibilities in academic, professional, research, and administrative settings.
  • Avoid using their professional position for personal gain.
  • Demonstrate behaviors that reflect high integrity and trustworthiness.

Teamwork and Professional Demeanor

Students are expected to:

  • Collaborate effectively within healthcare and research teams.
  • Demonstrate sensitivity to the needs and requests of team members.
  • Demonstrate the ability to collaborate with students, faculty, and staff in various settings.
  • Dress appropriately for professional environments, including patient care and research settings.
  • Exhibit a professional demeanor and behaviors that support teamwork and collaboration.

Concern for the Welfare of Patients, Research Integrity, and Altruism

Students are expected to:

  • Act in the best interest of patients and always uphold research integrity.
  • Show sensitivity to the needs, values, and perspectives of patients, family members, caregivers, and research participants.
  • Establish and maintain appropriate rapport with patients, family members, caregivers, and the research team.
  • Demonstrate cultural humility with openness and responsiveness to the ethnic and cultural backgrounds of patients and others.
  • Respond to patient needs in a timely, safe, and effective manner.
  • Respect patient privacy and ensure research integrity.

By adhering to these expectations, students will contribute to a professional and respectful environment that fosters learning, collaboration, and the highest standards of academic and professional excellence.