
SPNS 1101. Elementary Spanish 1. (4 Hours)

Begins the integrated development of elementary language skills through cultural exploration. Includes class discussion and project-based learning. Offers students an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of daily life, social norms, and family structure in Spanish-speaking countries. Designed for students with little or no knowledge of Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): Placement in SPNS 1101 with a score of 1101

SPNS 1102. Elementary Spanish 2. (4 Hours)

Builds on SPNS 1101. Continues the integrated development of elementary language skills through cultural exploration. Includes class discussion and project-based learning. Offers students an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the linguistic, cultural, and geographic diversity of the Spanish-speaking world.

Prerequisite(s): SPNS 1101 with a minimum grade of C- or Placement in SPNS 1102 with a score of 1102

SPNS 1973. Special Topics in Hispanic Culture. (4 Hours)

Offers an in-depth exploration of a specific topic related to Hispanic culture, literature, and/or language. Taught in English. May be repeated twice.

SPNS 1990. Elective. (1-4 Hours)

Offers elective credit for courses taken at other academic institutions. May be repeated without limit.

SPNS 2101. Intermediate Spanish 1. (4 Hours)

Builds on SPNS 1102 and begins the integrated development of intermediate language skills through cultural exploration. Includes class discussion and project-based learning. Offers students an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of modern life in Spanish-speaking countries and efforts to preserve cultural heritage.

Prerequisite(s): SPNS 1102 with a minimum grade of C- or Placement in SPNS 2101 with a score of 2101

SPNS 2102. Intermediate Spanish 2: Becoming a Global Citizen. (4 Hours)

Builds on SPNS 2101 and continues the integrated development of intermediate language skills through cultural exploration. Includes class discussion, project-based learning, and one-on-one conversations with native speakers from around the Spanish-speaking world. Offers students an opportunity to prepare to travel, live, or work abroad and gain a deeper understanding of the social and political issues that have shaped daily life in Spanish-speaking countries.

Prerequisite(s): (SPNS 2101 with a minimum grade of C- or Placement in SPNS 2102 with a score of 2102)

SPNS 2900. Specialized Instruction in Spanish. (1-4 Hours)

Focuses on developing students’ language proficiency and cultural competence within a specific context. May be repeated twice for a maximum of 12 semester hours, when topics vary.

Prerequisite(s): SPNS 1102 with a minimum grade of C-

SPNS 2990. Elective. (1-4 Hours)

Offers elective credit for courses taken at other academic institutions. May be repeated without limit.

SPNS 3101. Advanced Spanish 1: Deconstructing Borders. (4 Hours)

Builds on SPNS 2102 and begins the integrated development of advanced language skills through cultural exploration. Includes class discussion, project-based learning, and one-on-one conversations with native speakers from around the Spanish-speaking world. Offers students an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the (de)construction of social, political, and interpersonal borders in the Spanish-speaking world.

Prerequisite(s): SPNS 2102 with a minimum grade of C- or Placement in SPNS 3101 with a score of 3101

SPNS 3102. Advanced Spanish 2: Hispanic and Latinx Identity. (4 Hours)

Builds on SPNS 3101 and continues the integrated development of advanced language skills through cultural exploration. Includes class discussion, project-based learning, and one-on-one conversations with native speakers from around the Spanish-speaking world. Offers students an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the diverse gender, ethnic, racial, religious, national, and linguistic identities of Hispanic and Latinx communities in Spanish-speaking countries and the United States.

Prerequisite(s): SPNS 3101 with a minimum grade of C- or Placement in SPNS 3102 with a score of 3102

Attribute(s): NUpath Difference/Diversity, NUpath Interpreting Culture

SPNS 3401. Spanish for Healthcare Professionals 1. (4 Hours)

Designed to prepare students to interact with Spanish-speaking patients effectively and empathetically by exploring Hispanic cultural perspectives related to health and healthcare throughout the Spanish-speaking world, focusing on the Latino population in the United States. Offers students an opportunity to develop their linguistic skills tailored specifically to healthcare settings. Introduces a broad range of medical vocabulary and reviews the grammatical structures necessary to take a medical history, conduct a physical exam, discuss a diagnosis and treatment with patients, and perform other medical tasks in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPNS 2102 with a minimum grade of C- or SPNS 3101 with a minimum grade of C- or SPNS 3102 with a minimum grade of C- or Placement in SPNS 3101 with a score of 3101 or Placement in SPNS 3102 with a score of 3102

SPNS 3402. Spanish for Healthcare Professionals 2. (4 Hours)

Builds on SPNS 3401. Continues to offer students an opportunity to prepare to interact effectively and empathetically with Spanish-speaking patients through the development of linguistic skills tailored to healthcare settings. Explores Hispanic cultural perspectives related to health and healthcare. Delves deeper into current topics in healthcare such as mental illness and its representation, gender-affirming care, reproductive care, and public health emergencies, among others.

Prerequisite(s): SPNS 3401 with a minimum grade of C-

SPNS 3403. Spanish for Global Professionals. (4 Hours)

Offers students an opportunity to learn how to communicate effectively with Spanish-speaking clients and colleagues in professional settings in the United States and abroad. Designed to develop students' formal language skills and intercultural competence. Explores a wide range of cultural perspectives such as workplace dynamics and diversity, the use of technology and social media, privacy and data protection, and personal finance, among others. Students build a portfolio website in Spanish that highlights their expertise in their own field.

Prerequisite(s): SPNS 2102 with a minimum grade of C- or Placement in SPNS 3101 with a score of 3101 or SPNS 3101 with a minimum grade of C- or Placement in SPNS 3102 with a score of 3102 or SPNS 3102 with a minimum grade of C-

SPNS 3502. Authentic Spanish Grammar. (4 Hours)

Explores the authentic use of advanced grammar, focusing on improving both speaking and writing skills. Presents advanced grammatical structures, analyzes their use in authentic cultural texts, and applies them to both spoken and written tasks. Offers students an opportunity to discuss cultural topics with peers and native speakers, as well as to develop an ePortfolio of written texts and engage in the peer-editing process.

Prerequisite(s): SPNS 3101 with a minimum grade of C- or SPNS 3102 with a minimum grade of C- or Placement in SPNS 3102 with a score of 3102; (ENGW 1102 with a minimum grade of C or ENGW 1111 with a minimum grade of C or ENGW 1113 with a minimum grade of C or ENGW 1114 with a minimum grade of C )

Attribute(s): NUpath Writing Intensive

SPNS 3601. Exploring Spoken Spanish. (4 Hours)

Uses project-based learning to help students build their confidence to interact with native speakers throughout the Spanish-speaking world by improving their pronunciation and listening comprehension, as well as increasing their awareness of the variation that exists in spoken Spanish. Briefly introduces the history of the Spanish language and the many Spanish-speaking communities around the world. Explores the Spanish sound system as it relates to both students' own pronunciation and to the diversity of dialects in the Spanish-speaking world. Offers students an opportunity to examine their own pronunciation, participate in one-on-one conversations with native speakers, analyze real examples of spoken Spanish, and consider the role of Spanish in bilingual communities around the world.

Prerequisite(s): SPNS 2102 with a minimum grade of C- or SPNS 3101 with a minimum grade of C- or SPNS 3102 with a minimum grade of C- or Placement in SPNS 3101 with a score of 3101 or Placement in SPNS 3102 with a score of 3102

SPNS 3602. Introduction to Spanish Linguistics. (4 Hours)

Introduces students to the study of language and the analysis of the Spanish language and its structure. Through project-based learning, students apply their knowledge of the history of the language, the sound system, word meaning, variation, social use, and Spanish-language learning to real-world examples. No previous linguistics knowledge is required.

Prerequisite(s): SPNS 3101 with a minimum grade of C- or SPNS 3102 with a minimum grade of C- or SPNS 3601 with a minimum grade of C- or SPNS 3603 with a minimum grade of C- or Placement in SPNS 3102 with a score of 3102

SPNS 3603. Special Topics in Spanish Linguistics. (4 Hours)

Explores a particular topic in Spanish linguistics. Topics may include phonology, syntax, morphology, sociolinguistics, language contact, bilingualism, or applied linguistics, among others. May be repeated two times.

Prerequisite(s): SPNS 3101 with a minimum grade of C- or SPNS 3102 with a minimum grade of C- or SPNS 3601 with a minimum grade of C- or SPNS 3602 with a minimum grade of C- or Placement in SPNS 3102 with a score of 3102

SPNS 3800. Special Topics in Spanish. (1-4 Hours)

Focuses on specific aspects of Spanish language and culture. May be repeated twice for a maximum of 12 semester hours, when topics vary.

Prerequisite(s): SPNS 2102 with a minimum grade of C-

SPNS 3900. Specialized Instruction in Spanish. (1-4 Hours)

Designed for individuals whose language skills are at an advanced level and who seek specially focused language instruction. Such instruction might be the use of the language in specific settings, or it might be focused on specific conversational nuances of the language. Requires at least an advanced level of competence in the language. May be repeated without limit.

SPNS 3990. Elective. (1-4 Hours)

Offers elective credit for courses taken at other academic institutions. May be repeated without limit.

SPNS 4700. Capstone Seminar. (4 Hours)

Offers a summative research and writing experience for Spanish majors organized around an important critical question in the discipline. Explores practical applications of theories, methods, and practices of critical work on a particular topic while providing students opportunities for reflecting on the connections between their capstone and other work they have done as majors. Conducted in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPNS 3102 with a minimum grade of C- or SPNS 3502 with a minimum grade of C-

Attribute(s): NUpath Capstone Experience, NUpath Writing Intensive

SPNS 4800. Special Topics in Spanish. (1-4 Hours)

Focuses on specific aspects of Spanish language and culture. May be repeated up to three times with department approval.

Prerequisite(s): SPNS 3102 with a minimum grade of C-

SPNS 4944. Cultural Engagement: Dialogue of Civilizations. (4 Hours)

Offers an on-site opportunity for students to engage with the culture(s) of Spanish-speaking regions and/or communities. Emphasizes the complexity, transnationalism, and interdisciplinary nature of culture(s). Employs a range of methodological approaches to describe and analyze how cultural practices, objects, texts, and meanings are created, distributed, and exchanged within particular social groups or geographic areas. Students may explore questions of cultural identity, meaning, representation, policy formations, and ideologies. In addition to regular in-class lectures and activities, students have the opportunity to engage in a dialogue with members of the local communities about their perspectives on relevant cultural topics and everyday experiences. May be repeated once. Conducted in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): Placement in SPNS 2101 with a score of 2101 or SPNS 2101 with a minimum grade of C- or Placement in SPNS 2102 with a score of 2102 or SPNS 2102 with a minimum grade of C- or Placement in SPNS 3101 with a score of 3101 or SPNS 3101 with a minimum grade of C- or Placement in SPNS 3102 with a score of 3102 or SPNS 3102 with a minimum grade of C-

SPNS 4990. Elective. (1-4 Hours)

Offers elective credit for courses taken at other academic institutions. May be repeated without limit.

SPNS 4992. Directed Study. (1-4 Hours)

Offers students a way of going beyond work given in the regular curriculum; may also enable students to complete major or minor requirements in certain situations. Priority is given to language majors and to juniors and seniors. May be repeated without limit.

SPNS 5976. Directed Study. (1 Hour)

Offers independent work under the direction of members of the department on a chosen topic. Course content depends on instructor. May be repeated without limit.