SIA 1990. Elective. (1-4 Hours)
Offers elective credit for courses taken at other academic institutions. May be repeated without limit.
SIA 2990. Elective. (1-4 Hours)
Offers elective credit for courses taken at other academic institutions. May be repeated without limit.
SIA 3990. Elective. (1-4 Hours)
Offers elective credit for courses taken at other academic institutions. May be repeated without limit.
SIA 4990. Elective. (1-4 Hours)
Offers elective credit for courses taken at other academic institutions. May be repeated without limit.
SIA 6010. Intelligence Operations Management. (3 Hours)
Examines intensively case studies of intelligence operations engaged in by the United States and other countries. Uses several recent case studies, such as Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). Examines analysis and conceptual design of the operation, the strategic basis of the policy, as well as the operational- and tactical-level experiences. Offers students an opportunity to learn how intelligence fits in the strategic, operational, and tactical levels of OIF and the challenges in bringing the nation’s intelligence assets together in a coherent and effective manner.
SIA 6020. Globalization and Intelligence Issues. (3 Hours)
Highlights the key themes that are currently developing within international intelligence liaison relationships. Explores the trend towards homogenization of intelligence and other law enforcement and security initiatives. Offers students an opportunity to discuss international standardization among a widening group of partners and how these processes may establish viable frameworks and operational parameters for the intelligence liaison arrangements, together with addressing counterintelligence and other security considerations. In short, a best-practice approach is defined and explored as becoming normalized operationally, facilitating the optimization of intelligence liaison arrangements.
SIA 6030. Intelligence Analysis and Policy Relationship. (3 Hours)
Describes how relationships are forged and fostered between policymakers and intelligence analysts. Policymakers need support from intelligence to help deal with uncertainty. Thus, policy officials come to respect and rely on analysts and managers who appreciate this aspect of the decision process. Analysts are deemed most useful when they clarify what is known by laying out the evidence and pointing to cause-and-effect patterns; carefully structure assumptions and argumentation about what is unknown and unknowable; and bring expertise to planning and action on important threats and opportunities. The heavily engaged policymaker has little use for intelligence products that emphasize prediction over explanation and opinion over evidence by assessments that trivialize the challenge of uncertainty by burying honest debate in compromise language and by ignoring high-impact contingencies.
SIA 6040. The Intelligence Community and Interagency Collaboration. (3 Hours)
Offers an overview of the disparate intelligence agencies in the intelligence community and describes their missions, responsibilities, and how agencies do or do not collaborate in today’s environment. Given the dynamic nature of threats and sources in the 21st century, this course reflects the rapid changes taking place. Requires students to analyze the relative missions and develop policy recommendations for future collaborative efforts in keeping with relevant U.S. and international laws.
SIA 6050. All-Source Intelligence. (4 Hours)
Offers students an opportunity to examine several means of collecting and analyzing multidiscipline information but remain focused on the need and ability to filter all of this data into objective and cohesive all-source products with an unbiased viewpoint. To provide the current and thorough intelligence analysis required today by senior policymakers, military leadership, and corporate America, all-source analysts utilize many types of intelligence: human, imaginary, signals, electronic, telemetry, communications, measurement and signals, and open-source. Professional analysts also use a variety of linking, modeling, and data-manipulation or artificial intelligence software packages.
SIA 6060. Human Intelligence Operations. (4 Hours)
Introduces all aspects of human intelligence (HUMINT), from its basic role as part of the intelligence community to operational considerations as a tool of U.S. national security policy. Studies what HUMINT is, how it is conducted, its challenges, specific analytical and reporting considerations that make it a unique discipline, and some of its great successes. Explores contemporary challenges to conducting HUMINT operations, given technology and the ways different U.S. government intelligence agencies organize and operate their HUMINT capabilities. Offers students an opportunity to develop advanced analytical and writing skills and to obtain a basis for dissertation research and writing. Requires students to research information from other disciplines and integrate it into their current research and applied decision making on HUMINT operations supporting counterterrorism.
SIA 6070. Analysis for Counterterrorism. (4 Hours)
Explores how to create a unified, integrated, and multidisciplinary counterterrorism analysis program that makes the best use of all available resources. The task of counterterrorism is one that is particularly analysis intensive. It requires its practitioners to employ a melded set of analytical tools and interoperable capabilities. This objective can be complicated by the fact that many counterterrorism operations might involve several entities, including both the intelligence community and unclassified counterterrorism efforts.
SIA 6140. Civil Liberties and Security. (3 Hours)
Examines and discusses important constitutional issues that affect U.S. citizens. Emphasizes the rights and civil liberties that the U.S. Constitution protects. Explores the history and makeup of the U.S. Supreme Court and the important role the court plays in ensuring democracy continues to function. Analyzes the distribution of powers among the three coordinate branches of government—legislative, executive, and judicial—and engages students in understanding the laws and policies that govern critical constitutional issues.
SIA 6150. Corporate Security and Investigations. (3 Hours)
Explores the essentials of private and public investigations in a corporate environment. Focuses on the comprehensive study of the investigative process, tools of investigations, and types of investigations. Includes an examination of fraud detection, risk assessment, employee theft, insider threat, embezzlement, accounting improprieties, compliance investigations, internal controls, and safeguards to prevent these threats.
SIA 6160. Information Systems Policy. (3 Hours)
Explores current threats to information security from internal and external actors, how organizations have reacted to such threats, and best practices in organizational design to minimize threats. Examines a systematic and practical approach for establishing, managing, and operating a comprehensive information assurance program and ensuring continuity of operations.
SIA 6170. Counterintelligence. (3 Hours)
Presents a comprehensive overview of counterintelligence (CI) and how intelligence agencies, organizations, and military units in the United States use both offensive and defensive CI to guard and protect U.S. national security interests from foreign intelligence entities. Explores multidisciplinary CI support to intelligence operations through historical analysis and case studies. Reviews and analyzes how cultural, social, and technological changes affect CI.
SIA 6962. Elective. (1-4 Hours)
Offers elective credit for courses taken at other academic institutions. May be repeated without limit.
SIA 6980. Capstone. (3 Hours)
Offers students an opportunity to increase their impact and effectiveness as a leader working on a real problem set for a real consumer of information in the security and intelligence studies field. Explores and analyzes global security and intelligence threats, such as threats to national security, homeland security, and cybersecurity. Culminates in a team-based experiential project.
SIA 6983. Topics in Strategic Intelligence and Analysis. (1-4 Hours)
Introduces selected and substantive issues in homeland security. Topics vary from one offering of the course to the next. May be repeated up to seven times for up to 8 total credits.
Prerequisite(s): SIA 6000 with a minimum grade of C ; SIA 6010 with a minimum grade of C ; SIA 6020 with a minimum grade of C ; SIA 6030 with a minimum grade of C
SIA 7990. Thesis. (1-4 Hours)
Offers thesis supervision by members of the department.
Prerequisite(s): SIA 6000 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C- ; SIA 6010 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C- ; SIA 6020 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C- ; SIA 6030 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C- ; GST 6109 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C-