MGMT 1990. Elective. (1-4 Hours)
Offers elective credit for courses taken at other academic institutions. May be repeated without limit.
MGMT 2990. Elective. (1-4 Hours)
Offers elective credit for courses taken at other academic institutions. May be repeated without limit.
MGMT 3302. Negotiating in Business. (4 Hours)
Focuses on the nature of conflict, conflict resolution, and the structure and process of negotiations, negotiation ethics, as well as skills to deal with “difficult” negotiators. Negotiation is a lifelong skill that we use every day, not just a tactic to get a higher salary or a better deal. No matter what direction one’s professional life takes, negotiation is an essential part of one’s job and one’s life. To be effective, one must be a skillful negotiator. While some of us are naturally gifted negotiators, most of us are not; the concepts and techniques of skillful negotiations can be learned and practiced in the classroom. Offers students numerous opportunities to develop and practice negotiating skills.
MGMT 3305. Power and Influence. (4 Hours)
Offers students an opportunity to learn how to use power and influence as effective tools for understanding their work surroundings, working with and managing people, and achieving their own professional goals. Studies conceptual models, tactical approaches, and practical tools to help make sense of on-the-job learning experiences. Seeks to equip students with basic diagnostic and action-planning skills that can be used to understand power dynamics unfolding in any organization, as well as how best to leverage these dynamics. Previous work experience (e.g., part-time job or co-op) is recommended but not required for enrollment in the course.
MGMT 3315. Managing Organizational Change and Disruption. (4 Hours)
Covers fundamentals of change leadership as a set of integrated skills, focusing on examples of both proactive change (leveraging opportunities to grow and improve), as well as reactive change (leading in times of crisis). Uses case studies, media coverage, simulations, and guest speakers to examine some of the most dramatic changes encountered by business leaders in recent times and to evaluate different approaches to managing change at all levels of the organization. Examines the psychology of change, including overcoming fear of and resistance to change, and introduces practical frameworks that students can leverage in their own change efforts. Requires a student-led change project.
MGMT 3340. Healthcare Management, Innovation, and Design. (4 Hours)
Offers an overview of key U.S. health system components and imperatives and how to manage and innovate within the system to improve performance and the customer experience. Designed for students interested in healthcare careers that may have meaningful managerial, analytical, or consulting-type responsibilities. Covers essential elements of how healthcare delivery is organized and delivered; how to implement change and innovation in healthcare organizations such as hospitals and physician offices; and the interrelationships between facets of the business such as the drive for value and efficiency, promoting high-quality care, and enhancing the patient experience. Analyzes and critiques cutting-edge changes in the industry. Offers students an opportunity to learn about and use skills in process improvement, performance management, talent management, quality improvement, and work redesign.
MGMT 3350. Managing a Diverse Workforce. (4 Hours)
Examines issues related to managing oneself and others in an increasingly diverse workforce. Organizations need to address diversity issues in some manner if they are to compete effectively in a global economy. Covers diversity-related issues with management implications including religion, social identity, socialization, employment decisions by applicants and organizations, team dynamics, leadership, sexual harassment, workplace romance, career development, work and family, accommodation of people with disabilities, and organizational strategies for promoting equal opportunity and a multicultural approach toward diversity. Offers students an opportunity to conduct self-assessments to monitor their own workforce needs as they relate to issues of diversity, careers, and work-life integration.
MGMT 3380. Leadership. (4 Hours)
Designed to help develop students’ leadership skills and prepare themselves to lead with integrity. Uses discussion, case studies, exercises, and video/audio to explore both the science and the art of leadership. Topics include leadership theories, power and politics, counseling, communication, and followership. Additionally, this class includes a heavy focus on ethical philosophy and its application to leadership.
Prerequisite(s): COOP 3945 with a minimum grade of S or COOP 3948 with a minimum grade of S or COOP 3946 with a minimum grade of S or COOP 3947 with a minimum grade of S
MGMT 3420. Managing Human Capital. (4 Hours)
Offers an overview of the human resources management (HRM) function, including recruiting and hiring new employees, overseeing compensation and benefits, improving employee relations, and ensuring compliance with labor laws. Focuses on what a (non-HRM) manager needs to know about HRM and also seeks to provide a foundation for the HRM professional.
MGMT 3435. Social Networks and Organizations. (4 Hours)
Introduces students to social network analysis. Identifies and evaluates key elements of an individual's social network—including students' own networks—and familiarizes students with some tools and techniques for managing organizational networks. Examines different types and combinations of social relations, network structures of these relations, and institutional environments that impact them. The course combines lectures, case-based class discussions, and personal/organizational network analysis applications.
Attribute(s): NUpath Analyzing/Using Data, NUpath Natural/Designed World
MGMT 3530. Project Management. (4 Hours)
Discusses why good project management skills are essential to a wide variety of business careers. Covers why many important business projects fail due to poor planning, poor time management, going over budget, and/or ineffective communication. Includes a balance of strategic, technical, and behavioral issues in project management.
MGMT 3990. Elective. (1-4 Hours)
Offers elective credit for courses taken at other academic institutions. May be repeated without limit.
MGMT 4310. The Management Practices of Great Organizations. (4 Hours)
Focuses on a wide range of management practices, many of which are “radical” and represent organizations that “dare to be different.” The course uses many teaching approaches, including case studies, class exercises, and “competitions” that require students—and seek to increase their ability—to debate, present, think on their feet, and ask tough questions. Some organizations seem “to work”; they provide high-quality products and services, they treat their employees with respect, they behave ethically, they are strong financially, and the like. Students study and debate the criteria for a great organization in order to answer the key question of this course: how do they do it; i.e., why do they work so well?.
MGMT 4410. Workforce Analytics. (4 Hours)
Introduces workforce analytics, including identifying the strategic work that is truly necessary to execute strategy, investing in differentiated management systems that support that work, and designing and implementing targeted measurement systems for strategic talent. Emphasizes shifting from levels or metrics (e.g., what is our cost per hire?) to analytics and impact (e.g., how might an increase in the quality of our project managers affect new product cycle time?). Relevant for students specializing in corporate finance, management, marketing, and international business. Many firms spend over 50 percent of their revenues on the workforce, but these investments are rarely well measured or managed.
MGMT 4550. Management Consulting in Organizations. (4 Hours)
Offers students an opportunity to gain practical experience in finding appropriate solutions for complex and dynamic client organizational issues using a structured curriculum and frequent in-class coaching sessions. Students work as pro bono consultants both onsite and virtually with organizations to help solve real client challenges in the managing and leading of an organization. Students employ management consulting as a framework in demonstrating proficiency in a wide range of knowledge and skill areas in both management and consulting. Structures course deliverables as challenging goals to be achieved within a set time frame by working with students' chosen consulting (Pod) group and through individual assignments.
Prerequisite(s): COOP 3945 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of S or COOP 3948 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of S
MGMT 4983. Special Topics in Management. (4 Hours)
Offers special topics in management. May be repeated once.
MGMT 4990. Elective. (1-4 Hours)
Offers elective credit for courses taken at other academic institutions. May be repeated without limit.
MGMT 4992. Directed Study. (1-4 Hours)
Offers independent work under the direction of faculty members of the department on a chosen topic. Course content depends on instructor. May be repeated up to four times for a maximum of 8 semester hours.
MGMT 6211. Business Law and Professional Ethics. (2 Hours)
Examines the critical aspects of business essential in understanding the business and legal environment. Examines contract law and areas of the law that relate directly to the accountancy profession. Develops knowledge of the Uniform Commercial Code as it relates to the law of sales, commercial paper, and secured transactions. Also explores the importance of ethics in the business and accounting environment, and considers potential ethical dilemmas.
MGMT 6213. Managing Ethics in the Workplace and Marketplace. (3 Hours)
Offers practical guidance for improved decision making in business situations involving critical ethical issues, to stimulate creative and constructive thinking and learning for working professionals. Combines didactic instruction and a series of case studies, readings, and field study experiences to demonstrate how to assign ethical problems into categories and approach the problems using standard tools and techniques to be applied when working under conditions of uncertainty. Reexamines ideas about ethics and offers opportunity for students to reflect on their sense of moral suasion. Instructs how to identify what constitutes an ethical problem and how to view ethical issues as signposts for attention and not as impediments to moving forward.
MGMT 6214. Negotiations. (2,3 Hours)
Designed to improve students’ understanding of the negotiations process and their ability to plan and conduct negotiations effectively. Includes such class activities as readings, lectures, and discussions as well as case discussions and role-playing negotiation exercises.
MGMT 6222. Healthcare Industry. (3 Hours)
Examines the evolution of the U.S. healthcare delivery system from early forms of organized institutional care through the current dynamic and increasingly integrated and managed care systems. Introduces students to the interactions of regulatory, economic, political, and social aspects of the healthcare system. Compares current policies and proposals for health reform. Students are asked to analyze the impact and consequences of actions in one era on the structure and function of healthcare practice in later years and to project these trends into the future.
MGMT 6223. Strategic Decision Making for Healthcare Professionals. (3 Hours)
Examines how healthcare organizations manage their resources and competitive environment to meet the goals of their many stakeholders. Applies three essential elements of strategic decision making—environmental analysis, strategic formulation, and strategy implementation—to the healthcare industry.
MGMT 6225. Sustainability and Leadership. (3 Hours)
Examines how organizational leaders influence decisions to advance an environmental agenda. Studies the scientific knowledge that organizational leaders must have to make effective sustainability decisions. Analyzes how a variety of organizations, including businesses, governments, government-sponsored enterprises, and nongovernment organizations, interact on environmental issues.
MGMT 6226. Sustainability and the Business Environment. (3 Hours)
Examines how the environment affects corporate strategy, public policy, and individual decision making. Exposes students to the skills and knowledge needed to help organizations understand and act upon the principles of sustainability. Examines a variety of environmental problems, including global warming, use and disposal of toxic substances, and depletion of natural resources. Also studies how companies solve these problems by reducing their impact on the environment through solutions such as zero emissions, green design, and corporate environmental reporting.
MGMT 6962. Elective. (1-4 Hours)
Offers elective credit for courses taken at other academic institutions. May be repeated without limit.
MGMT 7976. Directed Study. (1-4 Hours)
Offers independent work under the direction of members of the department on chosen topics. May be repeated without limit.