
GST 6100. Globalization and Global Politics and Economics. (4 Hours)

Examines the multifaceted nature of politics and economics in an expanding global world. Analyzes the impact of globalization on political and economic systems, such as capitalism, democracy, socialism, nationalism, totalitarianism, and populism. Introduces students to the use of quantitative methods in the analysis of global relationships. Offers students an opportunity to use these tools to hypothesize the impact of future global trends on contemporary political and economic systems.

GST 6101. Global Literacy, Culture, and Community. (4 Hours)

Introduces basic theories of culture, identity, and communication. Topics may include race, ethnicity, social class, gender, national identity, and religion. Explores these theories and topics through an in-depth study of a particular aspect of culture within a chosen country. Introduces students to the use of qualitative methods in the analysis of culture and communication. Offers students an opportunity to use these tools to hypothesize the impact of future global trends on contemporary cultures and identities.

GST 6102. Global Corporate Social Responsibility. (4 Hours)

Examines the social responsibilities of corporations and individuals in the global 21st century. Topics include outsourcing, offshoring, international labor laws, global environmental responsibility, global human rights, global citizenship, and sustainable development. Today’s global organizations understand that corporate social responsibility (CSR) must become central to their strategies in order to be truly sustainable. Explores the driving forces behind CSR, the ways that companies incorporate CSR into their growth strategies, and the risks of falling behind. Discusses how companies’ views of CSR have shifted from compliance and philanthropy to efficiency and growth opportunities. Focuses on the use of qualitative and quantitative methods in the analysis of current policies and practices of multinational corporations, nation-states, and international nongovernmental organizations.

GST 6109. Basic Field Research Methods. (4 Hours)

Focuses on research and analysis, which are central to scholarly learning. To understand how information is gathered, processed, and communicated, it is imperative that students familiarize themselves with and cultivate basic research methods used in the field of social sciences. Studies the essentials of field research methods, covering various research methods as well as their applications, advantages and disadvantages, and limitations. Examines different types of studies and methods. Seeks to help students prepare for field research work, effective online and library data retrieval, analysis of research data and information, and the writing of a thesis paper.

GST 6200. The Funders. (4 Hours)

Focuses on the financial organizations and enabling institutions of globalization. Studies the actions of the holders of financial power—“the Funders”—such as the WTO, IMF, G8, and the World Bank.

GST 6210. The Developers. (4 Hours)

Focuses on the community-based groups and movements that shape popular opinion about and activism in response to living in a global world. Beginning with the social movement concept, the course examines the emergence of a global civil society that operates on a dynamic of advocacy and development mobilized by grassroots-based economic organizations and individuals.

GST 6220. Globalization of Emerging Economies. (4 Hours)

Examines the rising status and influence of countries categorized as “emerging economies” and whether this status is sufficient to make them a viable long-term challenge to U.S. political and economic power. Some are significant regional players. Collectively, they are seen as challenging U.S. hegemony in their region and beyond, and they have called for a larger role in global decision making for the developing world. Analyzes how these emerging economies become a potent force in the global economy and their impact on various stages of the international arena. Discussions may include a review of specific regional impacts, implications for international security, and effects on international aid policies.

GST 6300. Security and Terrorism. (4 Hours)

Examines the issues of security and terrorism in relation to globalization. Covers the objectives of terrorism and the implications for defining and implementing global security policy, monitoring and controlling weapons proliferation, and initiating acts of counterterrorism. Examines the impact and linkage of terrorism and security on economic development, human rights in counterterrorism, and counterintelligence activities.

GST 6310. Immigration and Labor. (4 Hours)

Examines the issues of immigration and labor in relation to globalization. Covers the changing role of blue- and white-collar labor in the global world and the impact of these changes on perceptions of work and labor. Explores outsourcing, offshoring, immigrant communities, citizenship, activism, and immigration in their global and historical contexts.

GST 6320. Peace and Conflict. (4 Hours)

Examines peace and conflict from a variety of vantage points as the two interact and emerge from intrastate violence, terrorism, and extremism.

GST 6324. Divided Societies in the Modern World. (4 Hours)

Analyzes the importance of culture and ethnicity in understanding conflict. Provides an overview of key concepts, ideas, and debates in the field; causes; dynamics; and policy options for resolution of social conflict using comparative international case studies.

GST 6326. International Conflict and Cooperation. (4 Hours)

Emphasizes conflict resolution theory, drawing upon a broad range of academic disciplines, including economics, law, sociology, psychology, anthropology, and dispute resolution, within a historical context. Provides an in-depth examination of international conflicts and approaches to peace building that enables comparisons between and among key players in international conflict and their impact on world affairs. Offers students an opportunity to prepare for further study of peace and conflict resolution in international affairs or provides transferable perspectives for a variety of professional contexts, such as nongovernmental organizations, diplomacy, teaching, media, business and law, and criminal justice.

GST 6327. Conflict and Postconflict Development. (4 Hours)

Focuses on causes of intrastate and interstate conflict and the role that international actors play in the process of conflict resolution and postconflict development. Presents case studies on reconciliation and confidence-building measures in societies and countries engaged in long-term conflict and how entities such as the NGOs and IGOs can hamper or facilitate resolution.

GST 6340. The Economics of Development. (4 Hours)

Introduces the use of economic indicators and measurements of development with reference to situations that have led to economic crises and subsequent responses by governments and institutions. Examines the predominant policy responses of rich and poor countries to the challenges of development, including issues of international assistance and recent trends in poverty reduction and participatory development. Offers students an opportunity to understand drivers for economic growth in developing and mature economies.

GST 6350. Global Economics of Food and Agriculture. (4 Hours)

Designed to provide students with a broad-based understanding of the global food system, while assessing its performance in terms of satisfying world food needs. Examines international dimensions of food system performance, including global trade and international aid; supply and demand trends and their implications for global food security; food and agricultural trade policies; ethics and safety regulations; and specific national food systems. Also examines specific commodity chains and their impact on economic development.

GST 6360. Nuclear Nonproliferation. (4 Hours)

Explores the history and development of all forms of nuclear weapons from World War II to the present. Decades after the invention of nuclear weapons, the issue of proliferation continues to occupy a significant position in both U.S. and global political discussions. Traces the history of arms control efforts; the role of science and technology; the impact of international organizations set up to monitor and regulate nuclear weapons; and the proliferation of nuclear weapons and their impact on international relations.

GST 6501. Regional Studies: East Asia. (4 Hours)

Examines regional stability and cooperation, efforts to foster democracy and human rights, and policies that have led toward increased trade and rapid economic prosperity. Explores pressures on traditional societies confronting globalization, changing roles of women, demands for improved education, along with challenges from transnational crime such as money laundering, trafficking in persons, and narcotics smuggling.

Prerequisite(s): GST 6100 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C-

GST 6502. Regional Studies: Middle East and North Africa. (4 Hours)

Examines the Middle East from historical, sociological, political, and economic perspectives. The Middle East focus describes a range of countries extending from Morocco to Iran and includes the subregions of North Africa, the Persian Gulf, and the Arabian Peninsula. Traces the origins and ongoing efforts toward a two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Explores ongoing efforts across the region for political and economic reform, the growth of civil society, and easing the strain on traditional societies in an increasingly globalized world. Studies the roots of sectarian conflicts, the problem of terrorism, and the proliferation of conventional weapons, as well as weapons of mass destruction.

GST 6503. Regional Studies: Sub-Saharan Africa. (4 Hours)

Explores issues in Sub-Saharan Africa surrounding democratic governance, civil society, and regional cooperation; the role of economic growth and development; efforts in conflict prevention, mitigation and resolution; challenges in the fields of health, agriculture, energy, education, and the role of women; and the problem of transnational crimes, such as narcotics smuggling, the arms trade, and trafficking in persons.

GST 6504. Regional Studies: Europe and Eurasia. (4 Hours)

Extends the traditional focus on Western Europe and the European Union eastward by including the blend of European and Asian cultures that has shaped the development of Russia and Central Eurasia, including Turkey, Russia, and other post-Soviet countries that form the eastern borderlands of Europe. Focuses on the persistence of historical tensions between authoritarian and democratic political cultures; the diversity of ethnic and other identities in the region; and the interconnectedness of Europe and Eurasia in policy areas such as energy, security, and immigration.

GST 6505. Regional Studies: Southwest and Central Asia. (4 Hours)

Focuses on countries of Central Asia as well as the subcontinent. Explores economic development, political transition, education, security, health, environmental challenges, religion, and the changing role of women in this region.

Prerequisite(s): GST 6100 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C-

GST 6506. Regional Studies: Latin America. (4 Hours)

Covers all of Central and South America and the Caribbean. Explores economic development in the poorest regions; managing rapid growth elsewhere; and approaches to challenges including democratization, rule of law, civil society, health, narcotics, environment, and regional economic integration.

Prerequisite(s): GST 6100 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C-

GST 6540. Politics of the European Union. (4 Hours)

Explores various political, economic, and social aspects of creation and functioning of the European Union. Introduces the politics, structure of governance, institutional design, and various policies of the European Union. Begins with a historical overview of the European integration process and surveys various theories of integration. Separate sessions cover particular topics, such as history and evolution of the EU integration, major institutions, interinstitutional dynamics of governance, and role member states. The second part of the course deals with current key policy issues, such as environment, enlargement, immigration, EU citizenship, crime prevention and terrorism, monetary union, CFSP, euroscepticism, and democratic deficit.

GST 6550. U.S. Foreign Policy. (4 Hours)

Examines the U.S. role in the world by focusing on the dynamics of power in the international system. Explores the theoretical foundations, historical contexts, and domestic sources of past and present U.S. foreign policy choices. Evaluates the roles of nongovernment actors. Assesses the impact of inter-agency rivalries. Case materials and topics include humanitarian intervention; the militarization of U.S. foreign policy; the global economy; tensions in the Middle East; and bilateral relations between the United States and such nations as China, Russia, Iran, as well as the European Union. Debates the efficacy and ethics of U.S. global power and the future of the U.S.-dominated liberal world order.

GST 6560. Multilateral Diplomacy. (4 Hours)

Studies how nations, nongovernmental organizations, multinational organizations, and other international actors advance their agendas in global and regional forums. Using an issues-based case study and applied approach, offers students an opportunity to explore how members promote diplomatic initiatives and engage in collaboration, coalition building, and negotiation within the context of multilateral organizations.

GST 6580. Opportunities in International Consulting. (4 Hours)

Explores international business across countries and sectors. Constitutes a first step in introducing students to concepts that cover various aspects of the private sector's role in international relations. Uses consultancy case studies and other readings.

GST 6590. Public Diplomacy. (4 Hours)

Examines how governments communicate directly with foreign publics for the purpose of improving image, advocating policy, and shaping public opinion. Explores radio and television broadcasting across borders, cultural programming, educational exchange programs, visitor programs, libraries and language institutes, and the impact of social media. Case studies illustrate topics such as global media and international journalism, propaganda, media in democracies and totalitarian states, media influence on foreign policy, the digital divide, intellectual property, and privacy.

GST 6600. The Practice of Diplomacy. (4 Hours)

Explores the practice and process of diplomacy and the work of foreign ministries, embassies, and consulates. Introduces students to representation, reporting, negotiation, intercultural contacts, and consular affairs, as well as interaction with the media, the private sector, and civil society. Offers students an opportunity to obtain a knowledge base and develop professional skills important to the diplomatic profession, including policy analysis, written and oral communication, and negotiation. Students use extensive simulations, role-playing, and case studies.

Prerequisite(s): GST 6100 with a minimum grade of C-

GST 6610. Sustainable Development. (4 Hours)

Examines the basic tools of policy analysis in the area of sustainable development. Introduces various techniques used by states, NGOs, and private corporations trying to create viable policy. These may include game theory, cost-benefit analysis, and critical mass models. Utilizes global case studies to analyze current policy and consider political viability of development programs. At the conclusion of the course, students are required to produce policy recommendations and a policy memo.

GST 6700. Global Health Perspectives, Politics, and Experiences in International Development. (4 Hours)

Examines the linkages between health and development that can only be understood within the broader context of sociopolitical and economic factors. Begins with the recognition that poverty plays a central role in many preventable diseases. With the development of nations have come improvements in health. In the landscape of globalization and international development, there has emerged a vast international health regime. Focuses on these linkages in the context of this international political economy of health. Examines key aspects including the concepts and architecture of global health, the global burden and epidemiology of disease, health and development of nations, and political-economic determinants of health and development. Uses a variety of analytical perspectives including political, legal, economic, and epidemiological.

GST 6710. Critical Issues and Challenges in the Practice of Global Health. (4 Hours)

Examines the critical issues in global health. Focuses on roles of different actors in the delivery of healthcare services, healthcare delivery systems, key initiatives and strategies to meet the burden of major diseases, planning and managing national and global health programs, emerging medical health technologies, pharmaceutical polices, marketization of healthcare, the human resources for health, etc. Begins by recognizing that, despite improvements in health across the world over the last half century, vast challenges remain for a majority of people in developing countries. Analyzes the cutting-edge issues and knowledge that are at the forefront of the global health policy agenda today. Uses a practical and policy-analytical approach with illustrative case-based analysis and extensive coverage of material.

GST 6740. Human Rights. (4 Hours)

Introduces students to the concept of international human rights. Focuses on the role of global, regional, and national institutions to protect human rights as well as create and enforce human rights law. Explores the role of nongovernmental organizations and the media in fact-finding and publicizing human rights violations, along with current issues and case studies.

GST 6920. Case Study in Global Studies. (4 Hours)

Offers an integrative, summative course for the master’s degree that builds on the understanding and concepts of global studies learned throughout the program. The curriculum draws heavily upon learning outcomes and acquired skills from both the global studies core courses and advanced electives in the concentration. Throughout the course, the instructor leads students through a step-by-step process of researching and writing a well-defined project, from the initial construction of a research question through the final stages of editing and revision. Course assignments may include group projects and individual presentations. At the conclusion of the course, students should have finished a portfolio piece capable of demonstrating their application of concepts and methods learned throughout their studies.

Prerequisite(s): GST 6100 with a minimum grade of C- ; GST 6101 with a minimum grade of C- ; GST 6109 with a minimum grade of C- ; GST 6320 with a minimum grade of C- ; (GST 6501 with a minimum grade of C- or GST 6502 with a minimum grade of C- or GST 6503 with a minimum grade of C- or GST 6504 with a minimum grade of C- or GST 6505 with a minimum grade of C- or GST 6506 with a minimum grade of C- )

GST 6962. Elective. (1-4 Hours)

Offers elective credit for courses taken at other academic institutions. May be repeated without limit.

GST 7962. Elective. (1-4 Hours)

Offers elective credit for courses taken at other academic institutions.

GST 7983. Topics. (1-4 Hours)

Covers special topics in global studies. May be repeated without limit.

GST 7990. Thesis. (1-8 Hours)

Offers thesis supervision by members of the department.