
CAEP 1280. Introduction to Mindfulness. (4 Hours)

Explores modern mindfulness practices and how these practices were derived from Eastern spiritual teachings, including Buddhism and Hinduism. Describes the current literature related to potential health and wellness outcomes of a mindfulness practice. Examines various meditation techniques, as well as accompanying practices such as yoga and breath work. Focuses on developing and practicing daily mindfulness using a highly experiential approach. Offers students an opportunity to learn and discuss the foundations on which such practices are based.

Attribute(s): NUpath Interpreting Culture

CAEP 1290. Personal Behavior Change. (4 Hours)

Designed to help students to develop an awareness of and strategies for the management of their behaviors. Examines how behavior is influenced via operant and respondent conditioning, motivating variables, and reinforcement and punishment. Requires students to design and implement a self-management project that involves goal setting, measuring behavior, selecting and implementing an intervention based on the research, and monitoring and evaluating progress. Offers students an opportunity to develop skills to support their goals, including time management and effective communication.

CAEP 1990. Elective. (1-4 Hours)

Offers elective credit for courses taken at other academic institutions. May be repeated without limit.

CAEP 2012. Health Psychology: An Introduction. (4 Hours)

Introduces the field of health psychology, which studies the role of psychology in health, illness, and healthcare. Topics include sustaining and promoting health, as well as experiencing illness and the body. Discusses focusing on people’s behaviors, perceptions, emotions, and understandings of health and illness, within the contexts of relationships and culture. Also discusses how the theories and concepts of health psychology are instrumental in health promotion and prevention (including relevance to students’ own well-being). Specific themes include the biopsychosocial model of health; stress, coping, and social support; health-promoting and health-risk behaviors; behavior change theories and approaches; gender and health; health disparities; and the relevance of health psychology for health promotion.

CAEP 2050. Health Systems, Services, and Education in Ghana. (4 Hours)

Explores healthcare systems, services, education, and training in Ghana, West Africa. Discusses Ghana’s medical facilities, services, training institutions, and policies that affect prenatal care, women's health, chronic and communicable diseases, traditional medicine, and general health issues. Explores preventative, immediate, and remedial care and healthcare delivery issues and challenges in Ghana.This is a Dialogue of Civilizations course.

Attribute(s): NUpath Integration Experience

CAEP 2060. Health and Well-Being in Ghana. (4 Hours)

Explores issues involving health and well-being in a Ghanaian context. Utilizes frameworks of well-being to examine ways in which Ghanaian healthcare institutions provide services to its citizenry. Offers students an opportunity to engage in a comparative analysis of college student health and well-being to that of students in U.S. institutions of higher education.

Attribute(s): NUpath Societies/Institutions

CAEP 2101. Behavioral Assessment and Treatment of Health Problems in the 21st Century. (4 Hours)

Focuses on the application of principles of behavior analysis to address health problems in the 21st century, such as obesity, addiction, and adherence to medical procedures. Offers students an opportunity to develop an understanding of basic behavioral principles and how those principles are applied to assess and treat health problems. Compares and contrasts a behavioral approach with other traditional methods in health psychology. Emphasizes systems of measurement, evaluation (single subject design), and treatment. Studies how a behavioral approach is integrated into a multidisciplinary treatment plan.

CAEP 2280. The Yoga Tradition in Nepal: Philosophy, Methods, and Practice. (4 Hours)

Introduces key aspects of the yoga tradition including preclassical, classical, postclassical, and modern aspects. Explores teachings from both the Hindu and Tibetan traditions, including the eight limbs of yoga, Hatha Yoga, and Yantra Yoga practices. Describes the research on mental and physical health outcomes from a regular yoga practice.

Attribute(s): NUpath Integration Experience, NUpath Interpreting Culture

CAEP 2290. The Yoga Tradition: Philosophy, Methods, and Practice. (4 Hours)

Introduces preclassical, classical, postclassical, and modern aspects of the yoga tradition. Explores teachings from both the Hindu and Tibetan traditions, including the eight limbs of yoga, Hatha Yoga, and Yantra Yoga practices. Describes the research on mental and physical health outcomes from a regular yoga practice.

Attribute(s): NUpath Interpreting Culture

CAEP 2460. Special Education. (4 Hours)

Surveys the characteristics and the development and learning needs of children and youth with special needs. Reviews legislation and current trends, with an emphasis on integration and full inclusion of children and youth with special needs in regular education settings and also in the community. Introduces principles of assessment and intervention and strategies for the development of individualized education programs (IEPs).

CAEP 2990. Elective. (1-4 Hours)

Offers elective credit for courses taken at other academic institutions. May be repeated without limit.

CAEP 2991. Research in Counseling and Applied Educational Psychology. (1-4 Hours)

Offers an opportunity to conduct introductory-level research or creative endeavors under faculty supervision. May be repeated once.

CAEP 3200. Childhood Adversity and College Attainment. (4 Hours)

Introduces students to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) and their prevalence in the childhoods of certain college student populations. Examines how these potentially traumatic events that occur during the ages of 0–17 are linked to chronic health problems, mental illness, and substance misuse in adulthood. Studies how the manifestation of ACE during the college years has implications for student development theory application and administration of services and programs on campuses, as well as ACE’s impact on education, job opportunities, and college student degree attainment. Explores the classifications of ACE—pandemic, natural disaster, terrorist attack, or racial and social injustice—and the possible implications of living through, making life adjustments, or absorbing constant media coverage as a result of these experiences.

Attribute(s): NUpath Difference/Diversity

CAEP 3310. Say It Loud: The Black Power Movement and Higher Education. (4 Hours)

Explores the impact of the Black Power movement on American colleges and universities. Examines the history of the movement and its relationship to the civil rights movement and the various impacts of Black Power on contemporary higher education. Traces how the movement led to distinct ideologies, scholarship, practices, and terminology that provided new lenses through which institutions of higher education viewed Negroes in terms of the preservation, transmittal, and enrichment of their culture by means of instruction and scholarly and scientific work. Explores Negro college students’ adoption of a Black identity and making demands on campuses that manifested in curricula, programs, and services that represented this identity.

Attribute(s): NUpath Difference/Diversity

CAEP 3480. Counseling Theories and Practice. (4 Hours)

Surveys major theoretical approaches to counseling. Provides training and practice in listening skills to aid in the development of facilitative responses. Combines didactic representations and experiential activities to assist in understanding and implementing a variety of counseling approaches. Requires prior completion of one introductory social science course.

CAEP 3485. Mental Health and Counseling. (4 Hours)

Explores those characteristics that constitute a mentally healthy person, factors in society that impact emotional health, the mind-body relationship, stress, and ways to achieve a higher level of emotional well-being. Offers students the opportunity to work in triads, small groups, and large group discussions. Role-play is utilized where appropriate. Requires prior completion of one introductory social science course.

CAEP 3990. Elective. (1-4 Hours)

Offers elective credit for courses taken at other academic institutions. May be repeated without limit.

CAEP 4525. Introduction to Professional Psychology. (4 Hours)

Offers students an opportunity to gain an understanding of the roles and functions psychologists have in different work settings and how psychological theory, techniques, and research can be applied in real-world situations. Studies the several different areas of professional psychology, including counseling psychology, school psychology, clinical psychology, early intervention, applied behavior analysis, and organizational psychology. Students also have an opportunity to learn how to prepare themselves for graduate school and how to put together an application to graduate school programs. Intended for students considering graduate study in psychology or allied disciplines.

CAEP 4990. Elective. (1-4 Hours)

Offers elective credit for courses taken at other academic institutions. May be repeated without limit.

CAEP 4991. Research. (4 Hours)

Offers an opportunity to conduct research under faculty supervision.

Attribute(s): NUpath Integration Experience

CAEP 4992. Directed Study. (1-4 Hours)

Offers independent work under the direction of members of the department on a chosen topic. Course content depends on instructor. May be repeated without limit.

CAEP 5150. Early Intervention: Family Systems. (3 Hours)

Introduces students to the theory and practice of family interventions with a diverse population including infants, toddlers, and preschoolers with special needs. Discusses family systems, developmental, coping, crisis, and ecological theories and practices. Teaches assessment and intervention skills. Integrates theories of exceptionality as they pertain to family systems into course material.

Attribute(s): NUpath Difference/Diversity

CAEP 5151. Early Intervention: Infant and Toddler Development, Risk, and Disability. (3 Hours)

Introduces students to the major theories of development and their implications for intervention. Presents and discusses infant/toddlers’ development, risk, and disability in the areas of cognition, communication, motor skills, social/emotional development, and adaptive skills, and considers variation in development as a result of multiple factors. Is team-taught by professors drawn from school psychology, special education, speech-language pathology, counseling psychology, nursing, and physical therapy.

CAEP 5153. Early Intervention: Assessment and Intervention. (3 Hours)

Covers assessment models and the multidomain tests used in early intervention. Students become familiar with informal and formal instruments used in different areas including cognition speech and language, motor, and social/emotional domains. Explains the process and responsibilities for the writing of individualized service plans (ISPs), as well as variety of intervention models, methods, and strategies to be implemented in natural environments. Is taught by professors drawn from special education, speech-language pathology, counseling psychology, nursing, and physical therapy. Students participate in Northeastern’s Global Early Intervention Network.

CAEP 5330. Applied Animal Behavior Analysis. (4 Hours)

Introduces the reverse translation of behavior from the animal laboratories of Pavlov and Skinner to the world of human behavior change via applied behavior analysis, and back to the socially significant behavior of animals that live in proximity to humans. Discusses how to identify problem behaviors of dogs, cats, and other animals and how to ethically assess and analyze these behaviors through this lens, as well as how to design an ethical course of intervention.

CAEP 5876. Mental Health Education and Program Planning. (3 Hours)

Describes dominant models of health education and program planning for mental health. Emphasizes the importance of collaboration with end users, stakeholders, and the development of partnerships. Highlights cross-cultural differences in health service systems and underserved populations.

CAEP 5877. Research Methods in Applied Psychology. (3 Hours)

Provides an opportunity for students to learn basic concepts in applied research in psychology, education, and related behavioral and mental health fields. Provides a solid foundation for students to conceptualize the purpose, process, and key methods of applied research. Introduces relevant statistical topics within the context of their respective designs.

CAEP 5878. Pediatric Psychology. (3 Hours)

Introduces the field of pediatric psychology, which studies the role of psychology in health, illness, and healthcare among children and adolescents. Reviews various psychological, emotional, and behavioral factors associated with onset, course, and management of specific pediatric illnesses. Explores related evidence-based prevention and treatment interventions.

CAEP 5879. Trauma and Mental Health. (3 Hours)

Introduces the foundations of trauma theory to offer students a trauma-sensitive perspective to the continuum of practice from policy making to direct client service. Reviews the neurophysiology of trauma. Examines causative factors and evidence-based treatments of trauma-related mental health issues (e.g., PTSD). Reviews current theory and research on topical areas related to trauma including intimate partner violence, child abuse, sexual assault, school and community violence, war and terrorism, and other emerging trauma issues.

CAEP 6100. Prevention and Intervention: Evidence-Based Practices. (3 Hours)

Introduces the foundational principles and methods that guide research on prevention and intervention for mental health disorders. Reviews prevention approaches for specific public mental health topics, including intervention theory and clinical trial design, the role of community collaboration and engagement, the utility of interventions that operate at multiple ecological levels, and the complexities involved in the implementation and dissemination of evidence-based practice for mental health across the life span.

CAEP 6110. Etiology-Psychopathology Across the Life Span. (3 Hours)

Examines the major mental disorders across the life span, emphasizing the current thinking regarding etiology and essential features in the context of public health. Reviews diagnosis and classification; epidemiology; and the genetic, neurobiological, cultural, and social factors that relate to the etiology and maintenance of mental health disorders. Addresses innovative approaches and methods to integrate current psychopathology research, mental health frameworks, and public health frameworks.

CAEP 6200. Introduction to Counseling: Theory and Process in an Ecological Context. (3 Hours)

Provides an overview of counseling and psychology from the ecological perspective. Covers the history, theories, and process of counseling across forces within psychology and across individuals (children and adults), groups, and families. Includes an introduction to counseling skills.

CAEP 6201. Introduction to Assessment. (3 Hours)

Introduces testing and assessment in psychology and education including group achievement tests. Covers uses of tests in society, the politics and economics of tests, types of tests, test statistics, reliability, validity, item analysis, test construction, new movements in testing, and applications. Introduces descriptive statistics as a basis for understanding the statistical basis for establishing norms, scales, and for understanding approaches to scoring.

CAEP 6202. Research, Evaluation, and Data Analysis. (3 Hours)

Introduces topics in research and evaluation from a consumer perspective. Covers types of research studies and methodologies, philosophical bases for perspectives, research design, evaluation and outcomes assessment, data analysis techniques, clinical and qualitative approaches, and interpretation of research findings.

CAEP 6203. Understanding Culture and Diversity. (3 Hours)

Works from a broad definition of culture and diversity. In addition to traditional culture and ethnic classifications, examines disability, poverty, and gender as culturally defining factors. Also explores the dynamics of culture in social systems, with the perspective of valuing differences in society and sociocultural forces impinging on culture from the ecological perspective.

CAEP 6206. Learning Principles. (3 Hours)

Provides an overview of the theories of learning, cognition, and emotion. Introduces the major theories and relates them to applications and interventions in psychology and education.

CAEP 6218. Infant, Child, and Adolescent Development. (3 Hours)

Provides an overview of development from birth through late adolescence. Covers the major theories of human development from a culturally informed, gender-sensitive ecological orientation. Reviews stages and theories of development from an interdisciplinary perspective and related to implications for learning. Examines cognitive, language, social/emotional, play, and physical aspects of development.

CAEP 6220. Development Across the Life Span. (3 Hours)

Identifies and addresses culturally and gender-sensitive developmental issues throughout the life span, from the conventional stages of childhood through the end of life. Discusses ethnic, economic, gender, relational, and sexual identities, as well as health-medical and aging concerns.

CAEP 6222. Human Sexuality. (3 Hours)

Designed for the twenty-first century and the critical issues that have evolved in the field. Includes current information on issues in human sexuality (and acts as a forum for the discussion of current trends), which may include HIV/AIDS, abortion, ethics and morality in genetic engineering, sex education in the school and home, teen sexuality and pregnancy, personal behaviors, social aspects of acquaintance rape, early sexual experiences, divorce, and remarriage. Allows for the development of counseling skills needed to deal with various issues.

CAEP 6235. Vocational, Education, and Career Development. (3 Hours)

Focuses on the interactions of economic needs, work, class, education, and contemporary social trends as part of human development in a sociohistoric ecological context.

CAEP 6242. Psychopathology: Diagnosis and Treatment Planning. (3 Hours)

Identifies categories of human difficulty and abnormal behavior through current DSM terminology. Is based in a cultural and gender competent bio-psycho-social model over the life span. Discusses both preventive and individual interventions for each category. Also introduces treatment planning and treatment guidelines.

CAEP 6247. Child and Adolesent Psychopathology. (3 Hours)

Covers DSM-IV and major forms of psychopathology including the neuroses (obsessional states, hysteria, anxiety states, and phobias), the pyschoses (schizophrenia, mania, depression, and paranoia), psychosomatic, sociopathy, conduct disorders, organic disorders, and mental retardation. Discusses the relationship between categories of special education disabilities (emotional impairment, autism, and so on) and DSM-IV.

CAEP 6250. Individual Interventions. (3 Hours)

Focuses on a variety on individually focused interventions: standard techniques used to achieve change goals as well as crisis intervention and prevention. Use of multimodal interventions (for instance, expressive, action) are joined with specific problems that individuals might face. Also addresses crisis intervention, solution-focused treatment planning, and promoting resiliency and activism.

CAEP 6260. Community Counseling Psychology. (3 Hours)

Addresses organizational and systems impact, stressors, and change efforts. Draws from the community, consultation, organizational, prevention, and social psychology literature. Considers understanding of health promotion in social and institutional contexts. Also explores crisis, coping, and social change.

CAEP 6282. Ethics and Professional Development. (3 Hours)

Addresses professional development and mental health counseling issues. Also considers professional ethics from ACA, APA, and FTI, with emphasis on the professional functioning of counselors. Discusses current issues in the practice and control of mental health. Also addresses the role of professional organizations and state licensing.

CAEP 6283. Brief Therapies. (3 Hours)

Discusses brief forms of therapy and counseling. Addresses therapies with each of the theoretical four forces. Discusses advantages and disadvantages of brief therapy. Considers the fit of the therapy with the person or client system as well as the goals and context. Also explores empirical, ethical, pragmatic, and political viewpoints.

Prerequisite(s): CAEP 6200 with a minimum grade of B

CAEP 6286. Family Counseling Interventions. (3 Hours)

Examines the role and social construction of families. Includes a brief overview of theoretical perspectives and especially considers the more recent implications of feminist and multicultural critiques. Discusses relationship building and specific interventions with families in terms of appropriate use of clinical, ethical, and gender/race-ethnic/class competencies.

Prerequisite(s): CAEP 6200 with a minimum grade of B

CAEP 6287. Group Counseling. (3 Hours)

Covers group design, dynamics, and leadership as well as their application in a range of mental health group activities. Since the conventional theoretical orientations have been covered in the theory course (CAEP 6200), this course approaches group work through a broader perspective. For example, while expressive groups based in a humanistic tradition and insight gained through psychodynamic and cognitive traditions are in the course, such recent developments as adventure and psychoeducation group work are also included.

CAEP 6324. Programmed Learning. (3 Hours)

Introduces the importance of programming for effective learning, including for students with autism spectrum disorders. Stresses goals shared by behavior analysts and educators. Employs evidence-based teaching procedures for training complex behavior. Emphasizes the need for assessment and data analysis for programming. Focuses on procedures based on establishing and transferring stimulus control, including establishing equivalence classes.

Prerequisite(s): CAEP 6331 with a minimum grade of B

CAEP 6326. Behavioral Concepts and Principles. (3 Hours)

Introduces concepts and principles that make up the foundation of behavior science. Identifies naturally existing examples of the basic principles of behavior. Requires demonstrated mastery of behavioral explanations of why behaviors occur. Contrasts behavioral descriptions with other philosophical conceptualizations.

CAEP 6327. Behavior Assessment. (3 Hours)

Expands on key elements of behavior assessment including systematic assessment of preferences and reinforcers, and assessment of behavior function through indirect methods, direct methods, and systematic manipulations.

Prerequisite(s): (CAEP 6326 with a minimum grade of B or CAEP 6326 with a minimum grade of B or CAEP 6326 with a minimum grade of B ); (CAEP 6329 with a minimum grade of B or CAEP 6329 with a minimum grade of B or CAEP 6329 with a minimum grade of B )

CAEP 6328. Single-Case Research Design. (3 Hours)

Introduces single-case experimental designs and methods to define and measure behavior. Offers students an opportunity to learn how to measure behavior and design experimental arrangements to analyze relationships between dependent and independent variables.

CAEP 6329. Ethics for Behavior Analysts. (3 Hours)

Offers students an opportunity to develop competence in a comprehensive overview of the legal and ethical issues in applied behavior analysis, including design and implementation of applied behavior analytic services and applied research. Discusses ethical issues in staff training, performance management, and program evaluation.

CAEP 6331. Advanced Learning Seminar 1. (3 Hours)

Discusses a broad overview of teaching and learning topics with in-depth focus on specific technologies geared toward increasing behavior change. Identifies the principles involved in learning and how to apply those principles to enhance skill acquisition. Employs evidence-based procedures to systematically increase a behavior. Evaluates the effectiveness of the behavior change procedures throughout the semester.

Prerequisite(s): (CAEP 6326 with a minimum grade of B or CAEP 6326 with a minimum grade of B or CAEP 6326 with a minimum grade of B ); (CAEP 6328 with a minimum grade of B or CAEP 6328 with a minimum grade of B or CAEP 6328 with a minimum grade of B )

CAEP 6332. Advanced Learning Seminar 2. (3 Hours)

Explores advanced behavior analytic topics, and practices applying basic principles to more complex scenarios. Extends basic behavior analytic conceptualizations and services, and investigates extensions of the behavioral sciences to areas other than work in special education.

Prerequisite(s): CAEP 6331 with a minimum grade of B or CAEP 6331 with a minimum grade of B

CAEP 6334. Applied Programming Seminar 1. (3 Hours)

Focuses on the systematic application of principles of behavior analysis to interventions in applied settings. Allows students to design, test, and evaluate instructional programs for remedial application to behavior problems and to test instructional theory. Emphasizes the relationship between behavioral assessment and behavioral intervention. Provides supervision through the weekly research and data seminar in collaboration with the student’s project adviser.

Prerequisite(s): CAEP 6327 with a minimum grade of B or CAEP 6327 with a minimum grade of B or CAEP 6327 with a minimum grade of B

CAEP 6335. Applied Programming Seminar 2. (3 Hours)

Focuses on the practical issues surrounding development of an applied thesis research topic. Students develop their thesis topic and prepare a written proposal for their thesis research. Students present the initial thesis proposal and periodic updates during the weekly seminar. Thesis committee members are invited to attend their students’ presentations to provide feedback and critique of the developing proposal.

Prerequisite(s): CAEP 6334 with a minimum grade of B

CAEP 6336. Systematic Inquiry 1. (3 Hours)

Requires each student to collect a comprehensive bibliography on a significant topic in applied behavioral research and complete a thorough written review. Emphasizes the integration and analysis of experimental findings and theoretical foundations of the research area, critical evaluation of current research, and the identification of potentially fruitful future research. Frequent presentation of current research by students helps develop their oral communication skills and prepares them for becoming contributing professionals in the field of behavior analysis.

Prerequisite(s): (CAEP 6331 with a minimum grade of B or CAEP 6331 with a minimum grade of B ); CAEP 6334 with a minimum grade of B

CAEP 6338. Clinical Practice Supervision. (1-3 Hours)

Offers a seminar for supervision of a clinical experience in practicum, internship, or fieldwork. Meets on campus with instructor/supervisor and complements individual supervision at the practice site. May be repeated for up to 6 total credits.

CAEP 6341. Behavioral Interventions. (3 Hours)

Provides a broad overview of teaching and learning based on behavioral principles. Examines specific behavioral technologies geared towards both increasing and decreasing behavior. Emphasizes the relationship between assessment and function-based interventions to treat problem behavior and teach new skills.

Prerequisite(s): CAEP 6326 with a minimum grade of B ; CAEP 6329 with a minimum grade of B

CAEP 6342. Consultation, Supervision, and Management. (3 Hours)

Addresses topics related to behavioral supervision, consultation, and staff/program evaluation in human service organizations, including performance analysis and management, staff training, behavioral systems analysis, organizational culture, and culturally responsive leadership. Explores essential components of organizational behavior management.

CAEP 6343. Radical Behaviorism and Verbal Behavior. (3 Hours)

Explores the foundations of the philosophy of radical behaviorism and its extension to B. F. Skinner’s analysis of verbal behavior. Examines explanations of complex human behavior, including verbal and nonverbal behavior, from differing behavioral perspectives. Offers students an opportunity to evaluate how B. F. Skinner’s conceptual writings relate to current behavior analytic theory, research, and practice.

Prerequisite(s): CAEP 6326 with a minimum grade of B

CAEP 6344. Experimental Analysis of Behavior. (3 Hours)

Offers students an opportunity to obtain the skills to interpret basic research in behavior analysis. Examines concepts and principles of behavior from an experimental perspective, as well as the causes of complex behavior. Practices developing experimental arrangements to evaluate behavioral principles and analyzing data through cumulative records and single-case experimental design.

Prerequisite(s): CAEP 6326 with a minimum grade of B ; CAEP 6328 with a minimum grade of B

CAEP 6345. Promoting Youth Academic Success in Schools. (3 Hours)

Focuses on learning problems in relation to developmental tasks and curriculum frameworks including reading and writing. Examines the types and causes of learning problems and individual learning styles from constructivist, neuropsychological, and ecological perspectives. Reviews methods for assessment of physical, emotional, intellectual, and social development in childhood and adolescence. Emphasizes special education legislation and current service delivery programs.

CAEP 6346. Behavior Change for Individuals and Communities. (3 Hours)

Offers students an opportunity to explore and practice methods to effectively change their own behavior, with the aim to create greater change in the world. Explores the impact of inadvertent behavior change and its potential effects. Emphasizes behavior change that will affect other individuals, communities, cultures and systems, or entire environments.

CAEP 6347. Behavior Management. (3 Hours)

Covers theory, research, and practice pertaining to management of behavior in preschool, elementary, and high school classrooms. Presents development of practical behavioral interventions using a systematic problem-solving process (including functional behavioral assessment). Includes skills and techniques of preventing and remediating behavior problems.

CAEP 6348. Systems in Schools 1. (1 Hour)

Explores a culturally responsive, integrated (academic plus behavioral), multi-tiered system of support within schools (MTSS). Emphasizes a data-based individualization framework to systematize the process of intensifying and adapting evidence-based interventions to meet individual needs of children and youth with disabilities.

CAEP 6349. Systems in Schools 2. (1 Hour)

Continues CAEP 6348. Explores a foundation for understanding a culturally responsive, integrated (academic and behavioral), multitiered system of support within schools. Students design an individualized and integrated academic and behavior plan for children and youth, monitor progress using graphic displays, evaluate outcomes, and discuss intervention adaptations according to data. Emphasizes using a data-based individualization framework that systematizes the process of intensifying and adapting evidence-based interventions to meet individual needs of children and youth from an interdisciplinary framework.

Prerequisite(s): CAEP 6348 with a minimum grade of B

CAEP 6350. Introduction to Cognitive Assessment. (3 Hours)

Introduces cognitive assessment and the relationship of cognitive theories to assessment. Also includes practice in administering and interpreting specific tests of cognitive functioning, such as the Wechsler Scales and the Woodcock-Johnson.

CAEP 6352. Personality Assessment. (3 Hours)

Administers and interprets projective tests, behavior rating scales, and personality tests. Offers advanced level of integrating results from different measures in report writing.

CAEP 6353. Curriculum-Based Assessment and Data-Based Decision Making. (3 Hours)

Presents curriculum frameworks (reading, mathematics), developmental sequences (language), socialization, and life skills as areas of learning breakdown. Focuses on collection and use of data from curriculum-based procedures that evaluate a child’s current level of understanding and performance in one of these areas, determination of intervention goals, formulation of individualized education programs (IEPs), development of instructional plans, and monitoring progress using curriculum-based measurements.

CAEP 6354. Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Assessment. (3 Hours)

Uses a problem-solving framework designed to help students to develop skills in identifying common school-based social, emotional, and behavioral problems and designing targeted assessment plans. Offers students an opportunity to gain experience in the administration, scoring, and interpretation of relevant measures designed to assess children’s and adolescents’ social, emotional, and behavioral functioning; in the synthesis of multisource/multimethod data; and in psychological report writing.

CAEP 6360. Consultation and Program Evaluation. (3 Hours)

Overviews different consultation theories including behavioral, psychodynamic, and systems perspectives. Offers a focus on skill development with respect to a broad-based and pragmatic approach to client-centered behavioral consultation. Uses computer networks and e-mail in client-centered and peer consultation. Offers evaluation of the implementation and outcomes of consultation and related service delivery programs.

CAEP 6365. Seminar in School Psychology. (3 Hours)

Covers the philosophical, historical, technical, and school administrative issues contributing to the professional identity of school psychologists. Emphasizes ethical standards, public policy, and legislation that impact school psychology.

CAEP 6375. Substance Use and Treatment. (3 Hours)

Covers use, abuse, and treatment of both legal and illegal psychoactive drug agents. Includes an introduction to psychotropic medications, overview of illicit substance use, differential substance abuse, interventions and treatment, and related social issues.

Prerequisite(s): CAEP 6200 with a minimum grade of B-

CAEP 6380. Seminar in Feminist Psychology. (3 Hours)

Looks at sex-gender socialization and role ascription in the development of women and men. Examines feminine and masculine gender role stereotypes and constructs in mental health theory, procedures, and practices. Introduces the variety of feminist standpoints and explores their impacts on the conceptualization of health and healing. Presents major points in feminist therapy and psychology. The student examines selected areas in-depth within this course.

CAEP 6390. History and Systems of Psychology. (3 Hours)

Examines the development of psychological theories in the context of western intellectual development. Attends to the underlying epistemological assumptions and historical and cultural forces on psychology. Also emphasizes some of the potential contributions to psychology of other world civilizations and to paradigmatic strengths and limits.

CAEP 6394. Advanced Multicultural Psychology. (3 Hours)

Provides critical analyses of “universalist” perspective counseling and development theory. Explores a variety of implications for culturally competent psychological work. Addresses process, procedures, and interventions as well as theory and inquiry. Focuses on individual and cultural differences in counseling and professional psychological services.

Prerequisite(s): CAEP 6203 with a minimum grade of B

CAEP 6399. Clinical Skills in Counseling Psychology. (3 Hours)

Develops self-awareness, communication skills, and therapeutic and practice procedures.

CAEP 6400. Prepracticum in School Psychology. (1 Hour)

Requires a minimum of 75 hours of school-based experience. Designed to orient school psychology graduate students to the school psychology profession and the practicum. Offers students an opportunity to understand the role of the school psychologist and the school environment. Seeks to familiarize students with the range of different school psychological services and the range of students who receive services from school psychologists, including students from different cultures and students with and without disabilities. Emphasizes observational learning. Students must complete the entire prepracticum and submit the documentation of its successful completion prior to beginning the practicum experience.

CAEP 6401. Counseling Children and Adolescents in Schools. (3 Hours)

Seeks to give students a foundation in the selection, evaluation, and application of empirically supported counseling interventions for children and adolescents. Topics include individual and group counseling techniques as well as specific clinical issues related to school-age children, families, family-school collaboration, and systems.

CAEP 6402. Promoting Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Success in Schools. (3 Hours)

Seeks to give students a foundation in the selection, implementation, and evaluation of evidence-based Tier 1 (classwide, universal) and Tier 2 (small group, targeted) interventions. Promotes an understanding of best practices and evidence-based approaches that promote school mental health.

Prerequisite(s): CAEP 6401 with a minimum grade of B

CAEP 6962. Elective. (1-4 Hours)

Offers elective credit for courses taken at other academic institutions. May be repeated without limit.

CAEP 6999. Practicum Continuation. (0 Hours)

Continues clinical requirements. May be repeated five times.

CAEP 7412. Systematic Inquiry in Behavior Analysis 1. (1 Hour)

Provides peer and individualized mentorship as students complete a scholarly behavior analytic project. Provides practice in identifying a behavioral problem and research question, developing methods to examine the question, and completing an IRB application.

Corequisite(s): CAEP 8412

CAEP 7413. Systematic Inquiry in Behavior Analysis 2. (1 Hour)

Continues CAEP 7412. Provides peer and individual mentorship as students complete a scholarly behavior analytic project. Offers students an opportunity to obtain the skills to complete a comprehensive literature review or case study.

Prerequisite(s): CAEP 7412 with a minimum grade of B

Corequisite(s): CAEP 8413

CAEP 7701. Doctoral Seminar in Counseling Psychology. (1 Hour)

Seeks to advance the student’s development as a counseling psychologist based on a scientist-practitioner and ecological model and to ensure that the student is informed regarding the historical and current developments of the discipline of counseling psychology. May be repeated up to three times.

CAEP 7702. Scholarship, Teaching, and Leadership in Applied Psychology. (3 Hours)

Studies teaching, scholarship, and leadership within a system of higher education. Explores how teaching and scholarship are related to tenure and promotion processes. Considers ethical issues that arise in university settings (e.g., human subject protection, academic integrity). Offers students an opportunity to develop a research agenda and engage in the peer review process as an author and reviewer, as well as practice using various teaching philosophies, course development, and delivery. Contemplates university and professional leadership positions within the field of applied psychology.

CAEP 7703. Grant Writing in the Health Professions. (3 Hours)

Introduces the basic components of the grant writing process, from locating available funding opportunities to submitting a competitive grant proposal. Offers students an opportunity to develop a grant proposal for potential submission.

CAEP 7710. Advanced Clinical Assessment. (3 Hours)

Covers contemporary cognitive and personality testing as used in a variety of practice settings. Covers such areas as pain management, risk assessment, and learning styles. PhD students only.

CAEP 7711. Measurement: Advanced Psychometric Principles. (3 Hours)

Offers students an opportunity to gain an understanding of classical and modern test theory as well as to develop the capability to use these theories to develop tests for their own purposes. Topics include test validity, item statistics useful in test construction, score scales and norms commonly used in educational testing, item bias and test bias, and ideas of fairness and equity in educational and psychological testing. Introduces factor analysis as well as the major extensions and alternatives to classical test theory, generalizability theory, and item response theory (latent trait theory).

CAEP 7712. Intermediate Statistical Data Analysis Techniques. (3 Hours)

Emphasizes the use of existing theories and models as a basis for the formation of questions and hypotheses and for designing research to address those questions and hypotheses. Covers the logic of design of research and hypothesis testing, regression, general linear model (GLM), statistical model building and testing, hierarchical regression, and analysis of covariance structures. Emphasizes consideration of power and effects. Requires students to do problems on the computer and/or by hand using data sets assigned in class. Requires prior completion of a course in basic statistics and a course in methods of research design or permission of instructor.

CAEP 7716. Advanced Research and Data Analyses 2. (3 Hours)

Investigates techniques and models for exploring research questions and testing hypotheses developed in the first semester. Explores structural and advanced correlational models using linear and nonlinear approaches, multivariate data analysis, psychometric statistical theory and techniques, and qualitative inquiry. Requires considerable hands-on experience with real data sets. Explores qualitative and methodological approaches to ecological analysis of systems and contexts. Requires students to do problems on the computer and/or by hand using data sets assigned in class. Utilizes SPSS and other computer analysis packages including graphic methods of depicting data. Also covers specialized applications (text analysis software, survey design and scoring software, or specialized graphing programs). Students do projects, prepare reports of an analysis from the data set, and turn in a written report in APA format suitable for publication.

CAEP 7720. Advanced Clinical Interventions. (3 Hours)

Considers assessment and intervention from an ecological/systems perspective on a case-by-case basis. Uses individual, group, family, organizational, and community modalities. Emphasizes case conceptualization as a framework for treatment planning and evaluation. Emphasis is on impact of social systems and sociocultural factors. Restricted to PhD students with previous work in group and family counseling.

CAEP 7732. Legal and Ethical Issues in Community and Educational Settings. (3 Hours)

Designed to provide a systematic orientation to the ethical and professional issues faced by mental health practitioners in their teaching, research, and practice in a seminar setting. Addresses APA ethical guidelines, legal aspects of psychological practice including licensing, confidentiality in practice and research, historical perspective, supervision and training issues, and current topics of professional concern in counseling and school psychology practice. Considers relevant court decisions affecting psychological practice with children, adults, and family.

CAEP 7741. Advanced Practicum 1. (1,2 Hours)

Offers students an opportunity to obtain training in clinical settings to develop clinical skills in assessment, consultation, and interventions under supervision. Examines and supports clinical work within various assessment and treatment modalities. Analyzes systems issues within placement sites, which include but are not limited to administrative and supervisory issues, by focusing on critical analysis and provision of a supportive atmosphere. Provides opportunities to document competency through tapes and detailed process notes of sessions, videotape role-playing, critiques, and feedback. Requires practice in the clinical setting a minimum of 20 hours per week. May be repeated once for a total of 2 semester hours.

CAEP 7742. Advanced Practicum 2. (1,2 Hours)

Continues CAEP 7741. Provides an opportunity, under supervision in a clinical setting, to develop clinical skills in assessment, consultation, and interventions. Designed to provide support and evaluation of the advanced practicum placement for second-year students. Seeks to examine and support clinical work and examine systems issues within placement sites, which include but are not limited to administrative and supervisory issues. Opportunity to document competency through tapes and detailed process notes of sessions, videotape role-playing, critiques, and feedback. Focuses on critical analysis and provision of a supportive atmosphere to explore treatment and systems issues. Requires practice in the clinical setting a minimum of twenty hours per week. May be repeated once for a total of 2 semester hours.

Prerequisite(s): CAEP 7741 with a minimum grade of B

CAEP 7743. Advanced Practicum 3. (1,2 Hours)

Continues CAEP 7742. May be taken by students who elect to do additional practicum work to develop better, or deeper, skills or new skill areas. Requires practice in the clinical setting a minimum of twenty hours per week. May be repeated once for a total of 2 semester hours.

Prerequisite(s): CAEP 7742 with a minimum grade of B or CAEP 7742 with a minimum grade of S (Graduate) or CAEP 6355 with a minimum grade of B

CAEP 7744. Advanced Practicum 4. (1,2 Hours)

Continues CAEP 7743. Requires practice in the clinical setting a minimum of twenty hours per week. May be repeated once for a total of 2 semester hours.

Prerequisite(s): CAEP 7743 with a minimum grade of B

CAEP 7750. Biological Bases of Behavior. (3 Hours)

Lays the foundations for an understanding of brain-behavior relations, with an emphasis on implications for the clinician. Topics include basic neuroanatomy, the development of the nervous system over the life span, and hormonal and neuropharmacological aspects of behavioral regulation. Reviews perceptual and motor systems, cognition, emotions, and motivational states from the perspective of their biological underpinnings. Underscores the unfolding of these processes within a psychosocial and cultural context.

CAEP 7755. Cognitive and Affective Bases of Behavior. (3 Hours)

Provides students with an in-depth treatment of the theories of the cognitive and affective bases of behavior and their applications. Reviews the impact of thinking, emotions, affect, and temperament on behavior in the context of the ecological model. Restricted to PhD students.

CAEP 7756. Social Psychology in an Organizational and Ecological Context. (3 Hours)

Conducted as a seminar designed to meet the needs of doctoral students in school and counseling psychology for a course that spans theory and principles of social psychology from early work in the field-in such topics as social pressure, field theory, cognitive dissonance, and attitude formation-to more modern work in expectations, attitudes, and organizational behavior. Surveys basic concerns in social psychology, and considers material related to application in schools, communities, and organizations in which mental health is practiced. For example, in the study of group dynamics, stresses applications to group learning, administrative leadership, and organization theory. Also covers research paradigms, social change, social influence, system consultation, and community issues as they relate to social psychological considerations. Restricted to PhD students.

CAEP 7758. Doctoral Seminar in Contemporary Theories of Psychotherapy. (3 Hours)

Offers a critical examination from an ecological/systems perspective of conceptual developmental and clinical elements of contemporary psychotherapy theories. Emphasis is on object relations, social constructionist, and constructivist theories of personality and therapeutic change. Includes selected theoretical and research readings, lectures in student-led discussion. Evaluates critical issues and future directions of contemporary theoretical schools and considers varied approaches to case examples. The different theoretical approaches are examined through the lenses of gender, class, and cultural adequacy. Restricted to PhD students.

CAEP 7771. Research Team Experience. (1 Hour)

Offers students an opportunity to participate in various stages of ongoing research leading up to and including the design of their own research projects. Students are given responsibility for conceptualization, design, implementation, analysis, and interpretation of research according to their skills. Encourages students to tie their research to other aspects of their training as appropriate. Becoming a competent researcher requires active experience. A faculty mentor provides direct supervision to the students.

CAEP 7798. Doctoral Internship. (0.5-2 Hours)

Required of all doctoral students in counseling/school psychology PhD programs. Requires a minimum of forty hours per week for twelve months or twenty hours per week for twenty-four months in an accredited (or equivalent by permission) mental health training setting. In addition to internship site supervision and training seminars, interns attend, in person or online, a university-based seminar and complete case assignments. May be repeated up to four times, not to exceed 3 credits.

CAEP 7799. Doctoral Internship 2. (2 Hours)

Continues CAEP 7798. Restricted to PhD students.

CAEP 7962. Elective. (1-4 Hours)

Offers elective credit for courses taken at other academic institutions. May be repeated without limit.

CAEP 7976. Directed Study. (1-4 Hours)

Allows students to pursue topics of individual interest beyond the scope of formal course work under the direction of faculty. May be repeated without limit.

CAEP 8401. Practicum in Counseling Psychology. (3 Hours)

Includes forty hours of client contact plus supervision. Focuses on developing individual and group skills within mental health and human service agencies. May be repeated once.

Prerequisite(s): CAEP 6399 with a minimum grade of B

CAEP 8412. Experiential Learning in Skill Acquisition. (2 Hours)

Offers students an opportunity to obtain practical experience developing, implementing, and evaluating skill acquisition programs. Students work in a clinical setting, including accrual of supervised fieldwork hours required to sit for the Board-Certified Behavior Analyst ® examination.

Prerequisite(s): CAEP 6341 with a minimum grade of B

Corequisite(s): CAEP 7412

CAEP 8413. Experiential Learning in Behavioral Supervision. (2 Hours)

Provides students with the opportunity to practice methods of staff training and supervision. Offers students supervision for work in a clinical setting, including accrual of supervised fieldwork hours required to sit for the Board-Certified Behavior Analyst ® examination.

Prerequisite(s): CAEP 6342 with a minimum grade of B

Corequisite(s): CAEP 7413

CAEP 8415. Practicum in School Psychology 1. (2 Hours)

Offers supervised school-based field experience coupled with seminar class. Requires passing score on the communication and literacy tests of the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL).

CAEP 8416. Practicum in School Psychology 2. (2 Hours)

Offers supervised school-based field experience coupled with seminar class.

Prerequisite(s): CAEP 8415 with a minimum grade of B

CAEP 8417. Intensive Practicum in Applied Behavior Analysis 1. (2 Hours)

Offers students supervised experience that is required in order to sit for the BACB exam. Focuses on offering students an opportunity to acquire new behavior analytic skills related to the BACB Task List. Asks students to demonstrate the necessary skills to be a competent behavior analyst in applied settings. Covers preference assessments, task analysis and other skill acquisition programs, and other teaching strategies.

CAEP 8418. Intensive Practicum in Applied Behavior Analysis 2. (2 Hours)

Continues the work of CAEP 8417 with the primary focus on offering students an opportunity to acquire new behavior analytic skills related to the BACB Task List. Covers functional assessment, behavior reduction programs, conditioned reinforcement, data analysis, and clinical decision making.

Prerequisite(s): CAEP 8417 with a minimum grade of C-

CAEP 8419. Intensive Practicum in Applied Behavior Analysis 3. (2 Hours)

Continues the work of CAEP 8417 and CAEP 8418 with the primary focus on offering students an opportunity to acquire new behavior analytic skills related to the BACB Task List. Covers behavioral approaches to curriculum-based assessment, discrimination training, shaping, chaining, and pedagogies of teaching.

CAEP 8421. Intensive Practicum in Applied Behavior Analysis 4. (2 Hours)

Continues the work of CAEP 8417, CAEP 8418, and CAEP 8420 with the primary focus on offering students an opportunity to acquire new behavior analytic skills related to the BACB Task List. Covers behavioral approaches to skills assessment, training, supervision, and consultation.

CAEP 8501. Internship in School Psychology 1. (3 Hours)

Offers supervised school-based field experience coupled with seminar class.

CAEP 8502. Internship in School Psychology 2. (1-2 Hours)

Offers supervised school-based field experience coupled with seminar class. May be repeated once.

CAEP 8510. Internship in Counseling Psychology 1. (3 Hours)

Provides twenty hours per week in a field setting and a two-hour seminar on campus. In addition to providing supervising seminar, addresses practices, procedures, ethics, and policies in professional practice.

CAEP 8511. Internship in Counseling Psychology 2. (3 Hours)

Provides twenty hours per week in a field setting and a two-hour seminar on campus. In addition to providing supervising seminar, addresses practices, procedures, ethics, and policies in professional practice.

CAEP 8553. Advanced Counseling Practicum. (1,2 Hours)

Offers an elective course for doctoral students in the counseling psychology doctoral program who are completing additional years of supervised practical experience (minimum of 20 hours per week for 600 hours) as part of the training for the PhD degree and in clinical preparation for the APPIC/APA internship match process. Offers students training in clinical settings. Includes a seminar to offer students an opportunity to develop clinical skills in assessment, consultation, and interventions under supervision. Provides support and evaluation of the advanced fieldwork placement in which doctoral students are involved throughout the year. Led by a faculty supervisor who is the official liaison between Northeastern University and the advanced fieldwork sites. May be repeated up to five times for up to 6 total credits.

Prerequisite(s): CAEP 7744 with a minimum grade of C-

CAEP 8984. Research. (1-4 Hours)

Offers an opportunity to conduct research under faculty supervision. May be repeated up to four times.

CAEP 8986. Research. (0 Hours)

Offers an opportunity to conduct research under faculty supervision. May be repeated without limit.

CAEP 9000. Comprehensive Exam. (0 Hours)

Indicates successful completion of the doctoral comprehensive exam.

CAEP 9990. Dissertation Term 1. (0 Hours)

Offers dissertation supervision by individual members of the department. Restricted to PhD students.

Prerequisite(s): CAEP 9000 with a minimum grade of S

CAEP 9991. Dissertation Term 2. (0 Hours)

Offers dissertation supervision by members of the department.

Prerequisite(s): CAEP 9990 with a minimum grade of S

CAEP 9996. Dissertation Continuation. (0 Hours)

Supports the continued development of the dissertation.

Prerequisite(s): CAEP 9991 with a minimum grade of S or Dissertation Check with a score of REQ