- Accounting (ACCT)
- Accounting - CPS (ACC)
- Advanced Manufacturing Systems - CPS (AVM)
- African American Studies (AFAM)
- Africana Studies (AFCS)
- African Studies (AFRS)
- American Sign Language (AMSL)
- Analytics - CPS (ALY)
- Anthropology (ANTH)
- Anthropology - CPS (ANT)
- Applied Logistics - CPS (APL)
- Arabic (ARAB)
- Architecture (ARCH)
- Army ROTC (ARMY)
- Art - CPS (ART)
- Art - Design (ARTG)
- Art - Fundamentals (ARTF)
- Art - General (ARTE)
- Art - History (ARTH)
- Art - Media Arts (ARTD)
- Arts Administration and Cultural Entrepreneurship (AACE)
- Art - Studio (ARTS)
- Asian Studies (ASNS)
- Behavioral Neuroscience (BNSC)
- Biochemistry (BIOC)
- Bioengineering (BIOE)
- Bioinformatics (BINF)
- Biology (BIOL)
- Biology - CPS (BIO)
- Biotechnology (BIOT)
- Biotechnology - CPS (BTC)
- Business Administration (BUSN)
- Cardiopulmonary and Exercise Science (EXSC)
- Chemical Engineering (CHME)
- Chemistry and Chemical Biology (CHEM)
- Chemistry - CPS (CHM)
- Chinese (CHNS)
- Civil and Environmental Engineering (CIVE)
- Commerce and Economic Development - CPS (CED)
- Communication Studies (COMM)
- Communication Studies - CPS (CMN)
- Communication Studies - CPS Specialty (CMMN)
- Computer Engineering Technology - CPS (CET)
- Computer Science (CS)
- Computer Systems Engineering (CSYE)
- Construction Management - CPS (CMG)
- Cooperative Education (COOP)
- Cooperative Education - CPS (COP)
- Cooperative/Experiential Education (EXED)
- Co-op/Experiential Education in Arts, Media, and Design (EEAM)
- Co-op/Experiential Education in Business (EEBA)
- Co-op/Experiential Education in Science (EESC)
- Co-op/Experiential Education in Social Sciences and Humanities (EESH)
- Corporate Innovation (INNO)
- Counseling and Applied Educational Psychology (CAEP)
- Creative Technologies (CRTE)
- Criminal Justice - CPS (CJS)
- Criminal Justice (CRIM)
- Culture (CLTR)
- Cybersecurity (CY)
- Data Analytics (DA)
- Data Architecture Management (DAMG)
- Data Science (DS)
- Deaf Studies (DEAF)
- Digital Media - CPS (DGM)
- Digital Transformation (DGTR)
- Earth and Environmental Sciences (ENVR)
- Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology (EEMB)
- Economics - CPS (ECN)
- Economics - CPS Specialty (ECNM)
- Economics (ECON)
- Education - California Prepared (EDUT)
- Education - CPS (EDU)
- Education (EDUC)
- Electrical and Computer Engineering (EECE)
- Electrical Engineering Technology - CPS (EET)
- Energy Systems (ENSY)
- Engineering Cooperative Education (ENCP)
- Engineering Interdisciplinary (ENGR)
- Engineering Leadership (ENLR)
- Engineering Management (EMGT)
- English as a Second Language - CPS Specialty (ESLG)
- English as Second Language - CPS (ESL)
- English - CPS (ENG)
- English (ENGL)
- English Writing (ENGW)
- Enterprise Artificial Intelligence (EAI)
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ENTR)
- Environmental Science - CPS (ESC)
- Environmental Studies (ENVS)
- Extended Realities (EXRE)
- Game Design (GAME)
- Game Science and Design (GSND)
- General Engineering (GE)
- General Engineering Technology - CPS (GET)
- General Studies (GENS)
- Geographic Information Systems - CPS (GIS)
- German (GRMN)
- Global Studies - CPS (GST)
- Global Studies (GBST)
- Health Informatics (HINF)
- Health Management - CPS (HMG)
- Health Science - CPS (HSC)
- Health Science (HSCI)
- Health Science - Interdisciplinary (HLTH)
- Hebrew (HBRW)
- History - CPS (HST)
- History - CPS Specialty (HSTY)
- History (HIST)
- Homeland Security - CPS (HLS)
- Honors Program (HONR)
- Human Resources Management - CPS (HRM)
- Human Resources Management (HRMG)
- Human Services - CPS (HSV)
- Human Services (HUSV)
- Industrial Engineering (IE)
- Information Science (IS)
- Information Systems Program (INFO)
- Information Technology - CPS (ITC)
- Insurance - CPS (INS)
- Interdisciplinary Studies - CPS (INT)
- Interdisciplinary Studies in Arts, Media, and Design (INAM)
- Interdisciplinary Studies in Science (INSC)
- Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities (INSH)
- Interdisciplinary Studies - Mills College at Northeastern (INMI)
- Interdisciplinary Studies - Office of the Provost (INPR)
- International Affairs (INTL)
- International Business (INTB)
- Interpreting (INTP)
- Italian (ITLN)
- Landscape Architecture (LARC)
- Language - General (LANG)
- Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACS)
- Law and Policy - CPS (LWP)
- Law and Public Policy (LPSC)
- Law (for Non-Law School Students) (LW)
- Law (LAW)
- Leadership Studies - CPS (LDR)
- Legal Studies (LS)
- Liberal Studies - CPS (LST)
- Linguistics (LING)
- Management - CPS (MGT)
- Management Information Systems (MISM)
- Management (MGMT)
- Management Science (MGSC)
- Managerial Economics (MECN)
- Marketing - CPS (MKT)
- Marketing (MKTG)
- Materials Engineering (MATL)
- Mathematics - CPS (MTH)
- Mathematics - CPS Specialty (MATM)
- Mathematics (MATH)
- Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (MEIE)
- Mechanical Engineering (ME)
- Mechanical Engineering Technology - CPS (MET)
- Media and Screen Studies (MSCR)
- Medical Sciences (MSCI)
- Mills College Transfer (MILS)
- Music - CPS (MUS)
- Music Industry (MUSI)
- Music (MUSC)
- Music Technology (MUST)
- Nanomedicine (NNMD)
- Network Science (NETS)
- Nonprofit Management - CPS (NPM)
- Nursing (NRSG)
- Nutrition - CPS (NTR)
- Pharmaceutical Science (PHSC)
- Pharmaceutics (PMST)
- Pharmacology (PMCL)
- Pharmacy Practice (PHMD)
- PhD Experiential Leadership (PHDL)
- Philosophy - CPS (PHL)
- Philosophy - CPS Specialty (PHLS)
- Philosophy (PHIL)
- Physical Therapy - CPS (PTH)
- Physical Therapy (PT)
- Physician Assistant (PA)
- Physics - CPS (PHY)
- Physics (PHYS)
- Political Science - CPS (POL)
- Political Science - CPS Specialty (PLSC)
- Political Science (POLS)
- Portuguese (PORT)
- Project Management - CPS (PJM)
- Psychology - CPS (PSY)
- Psychology (PSYC)
- Public Health (PHTH)
- Public Policy and Urban Affairs (PPUA)
- Public Relations - CPS (PBR)
- Public Relations (PREL)
- Regulatory Affairs - CPS (RGA)
- Regulatory Affairs of Food - CPS (RFA)
- Remote Sensing - CPS (RMS)
- Respiratory Therapy - CPS (RPT)
- Russian (RSSN)
- Sales Management - CPS (SMT)
- School of the Museum of Fine Arts (SMFA)
- Sociology - CPS (SOC)
- Sociology - CPS Specialty (SCLY)
- Sociology (SOCL)
- Spanish (SPNS)
- Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology (SLPA)
- Strategic Intelligence and Analysis - CPS (SIA)
- Strategy (STRT)
- Study Abroad (ABRD)
- Study Abroad - Business (ABRB)
- Study Abroad - CPS Specialty (ABRC)
- Study Abroad - Law (ABRL)
- Study Abroad - Science (ABRS)
- Study Abroad - Social Sciences and Humanities (ABRH)
- Study USA (ABRU)
- Supply Chain Management (SCHM)
- Sustainable Building Systems (SBSY)
- Sustainable Urban Environments (SUEN)
- Technical Communications - CPS (TCC)
- Technology Leadership (TELR)
- Telecommunication Systems (TELE)
- Theatre (THTR)