• Concentrations and course offerings may vary by campus and/or by program modality.  Please consult with your advisor or admissions coach for the course availability each term at your campus or within your program modality. 
  • Certain options within the program may be required at certain campuses or for certain program modalities.  Please consult with your advisor or admissions coach for requirements at your campus or for your program modality. 

Complete all courses and requirements listed below unless otherwise indicated.

Core Requirements

A grade of B or higher is required in each course.

NRSG 5117Advanced Pharmacology2
NRSG 5121Epidemiology and Population Health3
NRSG 5126Pathophysiology for Advanced Practice3
NRSG 6115Health Assessment3
NRSG 6300Healthcare Finance and Marketing3
NRSG 6302Health Policy and Law3
NRSG 6306Health Informatics3
NRSG 7100Leadership in Advanced Practice Nursing3
NRSG 7105Translating Research Evidence into Practice3
NRSG 7500Role/Practice Issues in Nurse Anesthesia3
NRSG 7911DNP Project Immersion 11
NRSG 7920The Steps to Practice Inquiry: Analyze, Evaluate, Synthesize, and Apply the Evidence3
NRSG 7926Applied Data Management2

Concentrations and Program Credit Requirements

A concentration is required to complete this program.

Program Credit/GPA Requirements

Total program hours vary based on the concentration the student chooses
Minimum 3.000 GPA required

Concentration in Nurse Executive

HLTH 5600Introduction to Patient Safety3
HLTH 5620Leadership, Patient Safety, and Clinician Wellness3
MSCI 6001Principles of Healthcare Advocacy3
MSCI 6003Healthcare Leadership Seminar3
NRSG 7990Thesis3
PHTH 6204Society, Behavior, and Health3

Program Credit Requirement

53 total semester hours required, including program core requirements

Concentration in Patient Safety

Note: A student enrolled in this concentration may not also earn the Graduate Certificate in Patient Safety.

HLTH 5600Introduction to Patient Safety3
HLTH 5610Patient Safety Science3
HLTH 5620Leadership, Patient Safety, and Clinician Wellness3
HLTH 5630Quality Improvement in Patient Safety3

Program Credit Requirement

47  total semester hours required, including program core requirements

Concentration in Postsecondary Teaching

Note: A student enrolled in this concentration may not also earn the Graduate Certificate in Postsecondary Teaching.

INPR 5100Foundations of Evidence-based Postsecondary Teaching4
INPR 5110Integrating Teaching Across Contexts4
INPR 5120Postsecondary Teaching Practicum4

Program Credit Requirement

47 total semester hours required, including program core requirements