Academic probation is a period of time when a student must address and remediate academic deficiencies. 

A Bouvé graduate student may repeat a course only once to achieve a passing grade and may repeat only two courses during the entire program of study. A student may be on probation for only two semesters, or until the course is offered again, unless the advisor approves an action plan that specifies a longer (but definite) period. A student may only be placed on probation twice during enrollment in Bouvé and must correct all deficiencies, as specified, in each respective action plan during the applicable probationary period. Failure to remediate the deficiency within the agreed time may result in dismissal from the program. During the period of probation, the student must earn a GPA of 3.000 or better each semester, or the student is subject to dismissal from Bouvé. Note that individual graduate programs may have additional requirements that must be included in the probation action plan.

A student will be removed from academic probation after the student has attained a cumulative GPA of 3.000, earned a passing grade in a repeated course, and/or demonstrated satisfactory performance in a clinical course.

Academic Probation Procedure 

Academic standing is determined at the conclusion of every term and students on academic probation are notified via email. Students on probation are required to meet with their advisor before the end of week two of their probationary semester to complete an Academic Probation Contract. Once the contract is completed and signed, students are required to submit it to both their program and their Student Services designee, no later than the end of week three of the probationary term. Failure to submit an Academic Probation Contract in a timely manner may result in dismissal from the college. 

The program will review the student’s contract and provide any additional feedback or recommendations for the student and return a signed copy to the student. Advisors or a Student Services representative will meet with students on academic probation throughout the semester to benchmark progress and assess compliance with the contract during weeks four, 10, and 12.  

A review of the student’s progress will occur at the end of the term.  

  • If a student returns to good standing, they will no longer be on academic probation.  
  • If a student does not return to good academic standing, their compliance with their contract will be reviewed:  
  1. If a student was compliant with the contract, they will be required to submit a second Academic Probation Contract to the unit.  
  2. If a student did not comply with the contract, they may be dismissed from Bouvé with an option to appeal.