A dissertation committee shall include a minimum of three members, or four members if there are two co-advisors. At least three committee members should hold a doctorate or an appropriate terminal degree for the discipline, and at least two shall be full-time Northeastern University faculty.

At least two committee members shall hold some appointment in the department that offers the degree that the student is seeking. At least one member of the committee must not have a primary appointment in the department that offers the degree that the student is seeking.

The chair of the dissertation committee, who is assumed to be the advisor, shall be a full-time tenured or tenure-track member of the faculty of Northeastern, shall hold some appointment in the department that offers the degree that the student is seeking, and will hold a doctorate or an appropriate terminal degree for the discipline.

Research and teaching faculty may serve as the chair of the dissertation committee with departmental approval. In this case, at least two members of the committee must be tenured or tenure-track full-time Northeastern faculty. Exceptions to this requirement may be granted by the dean (or designee) based on the qualifications and experience of the faculty member who would serve as chair.