• Concentrations and course offerings may vary by campus and/or by program modality.  Please consult with your advisor or admissions coach for the course availability each term at your campus or within your program modality. 
  • Certain options within the program may be required at certain campuses or for certain program modalities.  Please consult with your advisor or admissions coach for requirements at your campus or for your program modality. 

Complete all courses and requirements listed below unless otherwise indicated.

Core Requirements

A cumulative GPA of 3.000 or higher is required in the following core courses:

CS 5100Foundations of Artificial Intelligence4
Programming and Algorithms
CS 5010Programming Design Paradigm4
CS 5800Algorithms4
Machine Learning
CS 6140Machine Learning4
CS 5170Artificial Intelligence for Human-Computer Interaction4


Complete one of the following options:

Specialization Option

Complete two courses from one of the following specializations: 8
Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision
Special Topics in Artificial Intelligence
Computer Vision
Advanced Computer Vision
Intelligent Interaction
Game Artificial Intelligence
Computer/Human Interaction
Theory and Methods in Human Computer Interaction
Robotics and Agent-Based Systems
Reinforcement Learning and Sequential Decision Making
Robotic Science and Systems
Mobile Robotics
Robotics Sensing and Navigation
Machine Learning
Reinforcement Learning and Sequential Decision Making
Data Mining Techniques
Advanced Machine Learning
Advanced Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Unsupervised Machine Learning and Data Mining
Statistical Inference: An Introduction for Engineers and Data Analysts
Introduction to Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition
Statistics for Bioinformatics
Knowledge Management and Reasoning
Natural Language Processing
Information Retrieval
Data Mining Techniques
Special Topics in Data Science
Complete one course from the electives list below or an additional course chosen from the specialization area above, outside of the student's selected specialization area.4

Coursework Option

Complete 12 semester hours from the electives or specialization course lists. Students can take up to one course from any Khoury College 5000–6000-level course. 12

Thesis Option

CS 7990Thesis4
CS 8674Master’s Project4
Complete 4 semester hours from the electives or specialization course lists. 4

Electives List

Special Topics in Artificial Intelligence
Master’s Project
Information Theory
Game Design and Analysis
AI Ethics

Program Credit/GPA Requirements

32 total semester hours required
Minimum 3.000 GPA required