• Concentrations and course offerings may vary by campus and/or by program modality.  Please consult with your advisor or admissions coach for the course availability each term at your campus or within your program modality. 
  • Certain options within the program may be required at certain campuses or for certain program modalities.  Please consult with your advisor or admissions coach for requirements at your campus or for your program modality. 

Complete all courses listed below unless otherwise indicated. Also complete any corequisite labs, recitations, clinicals, or tools courses where specified and complete any additional courses needed beyond specific college and major requirements to satisfy graduation credit requirements.

Universitywide Requirements

All undergraduate students are required to complete the Universitywide Requirements.

BA Language Requirements

All BA students are required to complete the BA degree language requirements, for a total of 12 semester hours of language study or demonstrated equivalent proficiency, as described in Additional Requirements for BA students. Successful demonstration of proficiency does not reduce total minimum semester hours of study required to earn the BA degree.

NUpath Requirements

All undergraduate students are required to complete the NUpath Requirements.

Complete all courses listed below unless otherwise indicated. Also complete any corequisite labs, recitations, clinicals, or tools courses where specified.

Note: No more than two courses taken for this major may be counted toward another major or minor. 

Law and History Core 

Foundational Core Courses
ENGL 3325Rhetoric of Law4
or ENGL 1160 Introduction to Rhetoric
or ENGL 3404 African American Rhetorical Traditions
HIST 1100Law and History4
LPSC 2301Introduction to Law, Policy, and Society4
or LPSC 1101 Introduction to Law
Foundational Core Elective
Complete two of the following not used to fulfill the previous requirement. Note that POLS prerequisites are waived for the 3000- and 4000-level POLS classes for students in this major.8
Introduction to Law, Policy, and Society
Topics in Law and Public Policy
Understanding the Modern Supreme Court
Philosophical Problems of Law and Justice
Judicial Process and Behavior
International Law
U.S. Constitutional Law
U.S. Civil Liberties
Research Methods
Complete one of the following:4
The History Seminar
Digital Methods for Social Sciences and Humanities

Culture Concentrations

Select one four-course concentration from the following:

Major Electives

Complete three of the following not already used to fulfill one of the requirements above. Courses not used above to fulfill a requirement may also be used to fulfill this elective requirement. However, only one course used to fulfill this requirement may be at the 1000 level.12
Complete three courses (including courses cross-listed) not used to fulfill other requirements:
Race, Crime, and Justice
Global Markets and Local Culture
Policing a Democratic Society
Gender, Crime, and Justice
Boston in Literature
Rhetoric of Law
Writing Boston
Drug Trade and Drug War: History, Security, Culture
Origins of Today: Historical Roots of Contemporary Issues
Native American Resistance: Past and Present
Capitalism and Business: A Global History
The Global Far-Right since 1945: Politics, Culture, Violence
Hitler, Germany, and the Holocaust
The Holocaust and Comparative Genocide
America and the Holocaust
Assassinations in World History
Topics in Law and Public Policy
Introduction to Contemporary Moral Issues
Debating Ethical Controversies
Social and Political Philosophy
Ancient Philosophy and Political Thought
Modern Philosophy
The Religious Worlds of Boston: Faith and Devotion in Urban Life
Environmental Justice


Complete one of the following: 4
Asian Studies Capstone Directed Study
Capstone Seminar
Capstone Seminar
Global Justice

Major GPA Requirement

Minimum 3.000 GPA required in all major courses

Major Credit Requirement

Complete 52 hours in the major.

Experiential Liberal Arts

All students in this College of Social Sciences and Humanities program are required to complete the Experiential Liberal Arts Requirement.

Program Requirements

128 total semester hours required

Concentration in Africana Studies and Culture

AFCS 1101Introduction to African American and Africana Studies4
Complete one of the following as a writing-intensive course:4
Anthropology of Africa
Race, Class, and Gender
Complete two of the following, at least one of which must be at the 3000 level or above:8

Concentration in Asian Studies and Culture

ASNS 1150East Asian Studies4
or HIST 1150 East Asian Studies
Complete one of the following as a writing-intensive course:4
Culture and Politics in Modern India
Law, Justice, and Society in Modern China
Japanese Buddhism
Complete two of the following. If HIST 2308 or PHIL 2395 is the writing-intensive course, at least one of these electives must be at the 3000 level or above:8
Ethnography of Southeast Asia
Culture and Politics in Modern India
Japanese Film
Modern Chinese History and Culture
Modern Chinese History and Culture
Introduction to Japanese Pop Culture
World War II in the Pacific
Japanese Literature and Culture
History of Vietnam Wars
Capitalism and Business: A Global History
Modern Japan
Comparative Ethics
Hinduism, Buddhism, and Beyond
Chinese Philosophy and Religion

Concentration in Culture and Colonialism

POLS 2325Ancient Philosophy and Political Thought4
or PHIL 2325 Ancient Philosophy and Political Thought
Complete three of the following, at least one of which must be at the 3000 level or above:12
Black Poetry and the Spoken Word
Introduction to French Culture
Cultural History of Spain
Early African-American Literature
Postcolonial Literature
Asian-American Literature
African American Rhetorical Traditions
Europe: Empires, Revolutions, Wars, and Their Aftermath
Pirates, Planters, and Patriots: Making the Americas, 1492–1804
Europe in the Middle Ages, 500–1500
History of the Soviet Union
History of Espionage 1: Antiquity to World War II
History of Espionage 2: Cold War Spies
Capitalism and Business: A Global History
History of Modern Terrorism
Moral Philosophy

Concentration in Digital Humanities

ENGL 1450Reading and Writing in the Digital Age4
or ENGL 3340 Technologies of Text
Complete three of the following not previously taken, at least one of which must be at the 3000 level or above:12
Communication in a Digital Age
Social Networks
Technologies of Text
Bostonography: The City through Data, Texts, Maps, and Networks
Technology and Human Values
Ethics and Evolutionary Games
Technology and Society (Note that this course has prerequisites.)

Concentration in Film and International Cultures

CLTR 1120Introduction to Languages, Literature, and Culture4
Complete three of the following:
Latin American Film
Japanese Film
World Cultures through Film
Social Justice in Latin American and Latinx Film
Film and Text (Abroad)
Latin American History through Film
Apocalypticism in Film
The Problem of Evil in Film
Science Fiction and Film: Moral Dilemmas and Ethical Analysis
Gender and Film

Concentration in Gender and Sexuality

Complete four WMNS subject code courses (including cross-listed courses) not used to fulfill any other requirement for the major.16

Concentration in Latinx, Latin American, and Caribbean Studies

LACS 1220Latino, Latin American, and Caribbean Studies4
Complete the following as the writing-intensive course:
ANTH 4500Latin American Society and Development4
Complete two of the following:8
Latin American Culture, History, and Politics
New Narratives: Latin America after 1989
Drug Trade and Drug War: History, Security, Culture
Latin American History through Film

Sample Plan of Study: Four Years, Two  Co-ops in Spring/Summer 1

Year 1
FallHoursSpringHoursSummer 1HoursSummer 2Hours
CLTR 10001ASNS 1150 (Concentration core course)4Elective 4Elective 4
ENGW 11114CLTR 3418 (Major elective)4Elective4Elective 4
MATH 1215 (Potential option to cover NUPath requirement)4LPSC 2301 (Foundational core elective)4  
LPSC 1101 (Foundational core course)4Foreign language4  
Foreign language4   
 17 16 8 8
Year 2
FallHoursSpringHoursSummer 1HoursSummer 2Hours
CLTR 1260 (Concentration elective)4Co-opCo-opElective4
EESH 20001  Elective4
HIST 1100 (Foundational core course)4   
PHIL 1112 (Major elective)4   
Foreign language4   
 17 0 0 8
Year 3
FallHoursSpringHoursSummer 1HoursSummer 2Hours
ANTH 4515 (Concentration writing-intensive course)4Co-opCo-opElective4
HIST 2000 (Major elective)4  Elective4
INSH 1500 (Research methods)4   
POLS 4500 (Foundational core elective)4   
 16 0 0 8
Year 4
ANTH 4350 (Concentration elective)4HIST 4701 (Capstone)4  
HIST 1246 (Concentration elective)4Foreign language4  
 16 16  
Total Hours: 130