• Concentrations and course offerings may vary by campus and/or by program modality.  Please consult with your advisor or admissions coach for the course availability each term at your campus or within your program modality. 
  • Certain options within the program may be required at certain campuses or for certain program modalities.  Please consult with your advisor or admissions coach for requirements at your campus or for your program modality. 

Complete all courses listed below unless otherwise indicated. Also complete any corequisite labs, recitations, clinicals, or tools courses where specified and complete any additional courses needed beyond specific college and major requirements to satisfy graduation credit requirements.

Universitywide Requirements

All undergraduate students are required to complete the Universitywide Requirements.

BA Language Requirements

All BA students are required to complete the BA degree language requirements, for a total of 12 semester hours of language study or demonstrated equivalent proficiency, as described in Additional Requirements for BA students. Successful demonstration of proficiency does not reduce total minimum semester hours of study required to earn the BA degree.

NUpath Requirements

All undergraduate students are required to complete the NUpath Requirements.

Core Requirements

CAEP 1290Personal Behavior Change4
CAEP 2012Health Psychology: An Introduction4
CAEP 2101Behavioral Assessment and Treatment of Health Problems in the 21st Century4
CAEP 2106History and Systems of Psychology4
CAEP 4525Introduction to Professional Psychology4
HLTH 2100Interprofessional Ethics for Individual and Population Health4
HLTH 5410Introduction to Statistics in Health and Behavioral Science3
or PHTH 2210 Foundations of Biostatistics
HLTH 5450Healthcare Research4

Science Requirements

Introduction to Psychology
PSYC 1101Foundations of Psychology4
Biology Options
Complete one of the following options:8-10
Option 1
Biology and Society
Microbes and Society
The Human Organism
Option 2
General Biology 1
and Lab for BIOL 1111
General Biology 2
and Lab for BIOL 1113

Other Major Requirements

Introduction to College
HSCI 1000College: An Introduction1
Writing Courses
ENGW 1111First-Year Writing4
ENGW 3306Advanced Writing in the Health Professions4
Experiential Learning
Select one of the following options:1-4
Option 1: Co-op
Students may choose to complete one or multiple six-month co-op experiences during their course of study. Students must consult with their advisor and complete prerequisite HSCI 2000 if participating in co-op. HSCI 2000 is only required once.
Co-op Work Experience
Co-op Work Experience--Half Time
Co-op Work Experience Abroad--Half Time
Co-op Work Experience Abroad
Professional Development for Bouvé Co-op
Option 2: Course Approved for NUpath Integrating Knowledge and Skills Through Experience
Any course(s) designated with NUpath attribute EX, including courses used to fulfill other requirements of this program

Major Electives

Complete major electives from the list below. Other courses may be proposed in consultation with your academic advisor. Students may complete additional courses to fulfill a minor, such as early intervention, health psychology, and mindfulness studies.8
Mindfulness and Practice
Introduction to Mindfulness
The Yoga Tradition in Nepal: Philosophy, Methods, and Practice 1
The Yoga Tradition: Philosophy, Methods, and Practice
Mindfulness: Theory and Practice 2
Behavior Analysis
Applied Animal Behavior Analysis 2
Mental Health
College Student Mental Health
Early Intervention
Early Intervention: Family Systems 2
Early Intervention: Infant and Toddler Development, Risk, and Disability 2
Social Behaviors
Contemporary College Student Activism
Say It Loud: The Black Power Movement and Higher Education
Relationships in College
Human Sexuality
Research in Counseling and Applied Educational Psychology
Counseling Theories and Practice
Mental Health and Counseling
School Psychology
Introduction to School Psychology
Special Education
Introduction to College Student Development and Student Affairs
Childhood Adversity and College Attainment
Assessment, Program Planning, and Implementation in Special Education
Public Health
Any PHTH courses in the 1000–4999 range
Health Science—Interdisciplinary
Any HLTH courses in the 1000–4999 range

Capstone Requirement

HSCI 4740Health Science Capstone Seminar4
or HSCI 4720 Health Science Capstone—Service
or HSCI 4730 Health Science Capstone—Research

Optional Advanced Applied Psychology Courses

Students interested in advanced applied psychology coursework can refer to the recommended courses below. Up to 16 semester hours may apply toward a PlusOne MS degree. Please consult with your academic advisor for more information.
Research Methods in Applied Psychology
Applied Behavior Analysis
Behavioral Concepts and Principles
Behavior Assessment
Single-Case Research Design
Ethics for Behavior Analysts
Child, Adolescent, and Family Psychology
Pediatric Psychology
Trauma and Mental Health
Prevention Science
Mental Health Education and Program Planning
Educational-School Psychology
Understanding Culture and Diversity
Learning Principles
Infant, Child, and Adolescent Development
Child and Adolesent Psychopathology

Dialogue of Civilization course.


Courses at the 5000 and 6000 level may only be taken by students with junior and senior status.

Applied Psychology Major Requirement

For students seeking to apply CAEP 5000–CAEP 6999 courses to a PlusOne pathway to a master's program, a B or higher is required.

Program Requirements

Minimum of 128 semester hours required

Sample Plan of Study: Four Years, 0 Co-ops (Option 1 of Science Requirement)

Year 1
FallHoursSpringHoursSummer Full SemesterHours
BIOL 11434BIOL 11474Vacation
CAEP 20124CAEP 21064 
Introductory language course4ENGW 11114 
PSYC 11014Elementary language course4 
HSCI 10001  
 17 16 0
Year 2
FallHoursSpringHoursSummer Full SemesterHours
CAEP 12904Elective (EX)4Vacation
CAEP 21014Major elective4 
Intermediate language course4Elective4 
HLTH 21004Elective4 
 16 16 0
Year 3
FallHoursSpringHoursSummer Full SemesterHours
ENGW 33064CAEP 45254Vacation
Major elective4HLTH 54504 
 16 16 0
Year 4
HLTH 5410 or PHTH 22103HSCI 47404 
 15 16 
Total Hours: 128

Sample Plan of Study: Four Years, Two Co-ops in Spring/Summer 1 (Option 1 of Science Requirement)

Year 1
FallHoursSpringHoursSummer 1HoursSummer 2Hours
BIOL 11434BIOL 11474Elective4Elective4
CAEP 20124CAEP 21064Elective4 
Introductory language course4ENGW 11114  
PSYC 11014Elementary language course4  
HSCI 10001   
 17 16 8 4
Year 2
FallHoursSpringHoursSummer 1HoursSummer 2Hours
HSCI 20001Co-op 0Co-op0Elective4
CAEP 12904Elective4 Elective4
CAEP 21014   
Intermediate language course4   
HLTH 21004   
 17 4 0 8
Year 3
FallHoursSpringHoursSummer 1HoursSummer 2Hours
ENGW 33064Co-op0Co-op0Elective4
Major elective4  Elective4
 16 0 0 8
Year 4
HLTH 5410 or PHTH 22103CAEP 45254  
Elective4HSCI 47404  
Elective4HLTH 54504  
Elective4Major elective4  
 15 16  
Total Hours: 129