Northeastern offers an interdisciplinary minor for undergraduate students who wish to explore gender and sexuality in relation to other axes of power and identity, including race, class, ethnicity, and dis/ability. Women’s, gender, and sexuality studies covers a wide variety of theoretical and empirical scholarship both within traditional disciplines and in cutting-edge, interdisciplinary frames. WGSS students have an opportunity to:

  • Learn about approaches to gender and sexuality in the social sciences and humanities and through frameworks that bridge traditional fields
  • Explore gender and sexuality in the global community by dipping into disciplines ranging throughout the social sciences, arts, humanities, and physical sciences
  • Study politics and pop culture, sociology and psychology, writing and religion, and much more
  • Open up new ways of thinking, bringing gender and sexuality studies to bear on important social and intellectual questions

Complete all courses listed below unless otherwise indicated. Also complete any corequisite labs, recitations, clinicals, or tools courses where specified. Please note that special topics courses in some areas may also count as electives toward a minor in women's, gender, and sexuality studies in certain semesters, pending approval of the syllabus by the WGSS program director. In the case of cross-listed courses, students may enroll under any of the departmental designations, regardless of major or minor affiliation.

Required Course

WMNS 1103Introduction to Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies4

Elective Courses

Complete three of the following:12
At least one elective must be taken at the 2000 level or above and electives must be drawn from at least two different departments:
Sex, Gender, and Popular Culture
Sex, Gender, and Popular Culture
Introduction to Trans Studies
Introduction to Trans Studies
Gender, Race, and Medicine
Gender, Race, and Medicine
Gender, Race, and Medicine
Sex, Gender, and Judaism
Sex, Gender, and Judaism
Sex, Gender, and Judaism
Gender and Reproductive Justice
Gender and Reproductive Justice
Gender and Reproductive Justice
Black Feminist Studies
Black Feminist Studies
Gender and Sexuality in World History
Gender and Sexuality in World History
American Women Writers
American Women Writers
American Women Writers
Digital Feminisms
Digital Feminisms
Research Practicum
Gender, Social Justice, and Transnational Activism
Gender, Social Justice, and Transnational Activism
Gender, Social Justice, and Transnational Activism
Beyond the Binary: Race, Sex, and Science
Beyond the Binary: Race, Sex, and Science
Beyond the Binary: Race, Sex, and Science
Sexuality, Gender, and the Law
Sexuality, Gender, and the Law
Sexuality, Gender, and the Law
Gender and Black World Literatures
Gender and Black World Literatures
Gender and Black World Literatures
Directed Study
Feminist Resistance
Feminist Resistance
Feminist Resistance
Gender and Sexuality: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
Gender and Sexuality: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
Communication and Gender
Communication and Gender
Communication and Sexualities
Gender, Crime, and Justice
Gender, Crime, and Justice
Women’s Labor and the Economy
Gender and Development Economics
Bedrooms and Battlefields: Hebrew Bible and the Origins of Sex, Gender, and Ethnicity
Games and Social Justice
Sexual Orientation and Gender Expression
Sexual Orientation and Gender Expression
Women and World Politics
Women and World Politics
Gender in the Newsroom
Language and Gender
Gender and Film
Gender and Film
Media and Identity
Queer Media
Divas, DJs, and Double Standards
Nursing with Women and Families
Clinical for NRSG 3302 (When taken with NRSG 3302)
Goddesses, Witches, Saints, and Sinners: Women and Religion
Goddesses, Witches, Saints, and Sinners: Women and Religion
Sex in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Sex in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues in Public Policy
Sociology of the Family
Sociology of the Family
Sociology of Gender
Sociology of Gender
Race, Class, and Gender
Race, Class, and Gender
Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Women in Theatre
Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Women in Theatre
Queer Theatre and Performance
Queer Theatre and Performance

GPA Requirement

2.000 GPA required in the minor