All students enrolled in Massachusetts, Oakland, and Global Scholars must submit proof of immunity to various diseases. The vaccinations required are set by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and the California Department of Public Health. Students who fail to submit a completed health report will be unable to complete future course registration. Visit the UHCS website to learn about your campus requirements and how to submit proof of immunity.  

Students in Massachusetts: All vaccination information will be entered into the Massachusetts Immunization and Information System. This system allows immunization information to be portable between providers, accessible during an emergency, and allows the patient to access the information as needed.  

To learn about immunization requirements, visitUniversity Health Report, including how to opt out of the MIIS reporting.  

Additional documentation of immunity is mandatory for students in Bouvé College of Health Sciences. Students should check with their program advisor or placement supervisor for more information. Students must meet the health clearance requirements of their academic program and any site-specific requirements prior to entering the clinical setting. This means that students must make arrangements for their physical exams and immunizations months before they are scheduled for a clinical course or rotation. Students who do not present the appropriate health certification will be blocked from registering for, or attending, a clinical course or rotation until satisfactory evidence is provided. 

Nonresidential Campuses 

Students enrolled at a nonresidential campus are not required to submit proof of immunity; however, we do recommend they have a copy in their files.