Journalism Requirements

Foundation Courses
C or better required in JRNL 1101, JRNL 1102, and JRNL 2201:
JRNL 1101
and JRNL 1102
Journalism 1: Fundamentals of Reporting and Writing
and Journalist’s Toolbox
JRNL 1150Understanding Today’s News4
JRNL 2201Journalism 2: Intermediate Reporting4
Visual Storytelling
Complete one of the following:4
Visual Storytelling in Journalism
Podcast and Radio Journalism
News Documentary Production
Video News Reporting and Producing
The Newsroom
Practicing Photojournalism: Community and the Camera
Law and Ethics
JRNL 3550The First Amendment and the Media4
or JRNL 4650 Ethics and Diversity in the News Media
Journalism Electives
Complete four JRNL courses (two must be 3000-level or above).16

Sociology Requirements

Core Requirements
ANTH 2305Global Markets and Local Culture4
SOCL 2320Statistical Analysis in Sociology4
or INSH 3102 Introduction to Statistics in the Social Sciences
SOCL 2321Research Methods in Sociology4
or INSH 3101 Research Methods in the Social Sciences
SOCL 3300Social Theory4
Sociology Elective A
Complete two courses from the following range not used to satisfy other requirements:
SOCL 1100 to SOCL 29998
Sociology Elective B
Complete two courses from the following range not used to satisfy other requirements:
SOCL 3000 to SOCL 59998
Capstone Requirement
SOCL 4600Senior Seminar4


SOCL 1000Sociology at Northeastern1
or JRNL 1000 Journalism at Northeastern

Co-op Preparatory Course

Co-op Preparatory Course
EESH 2000Professional Development for Co-op1
or EEAM 2000 Professional Development for Co-op

Integrative Requirement

Complete one course from JRNL and one course from SOCL:8
Data Storytelling
Gender in the Newsroom
Sociology of Health and Illness
Race, Class, and Gender
Environmental Justice

Writing Requirement 

ENGW 1111First-Year Writing4
ENGW 3308Advanced Writing in the Social Sciences4
or ENGW 3315 Interdisciplinary Advanced Writing in the Disciplines
or JRNL 2301 Visual Storytelling in Journalism

Journalism and Sociology Major Credit Requirement

Complete 81 semester hours in the major.      

Program Requirement

129 total semester hours required

Sample Plan of Study: Four Years, Two Co-ops in Spring/Summer 1

Year 1
FallHoursSpringHoursSummer 1HoursSummer 2Hours
SOCL 1000 or JRNL 10001ANTH 23054SOCL elective4Elective4
ANTH 11014SOCL 23214Language4Elective4
SOCL 11014JRNL 1101
and JRNL 1102
JRNL 11504Language4  
ENGW 11114   
 17 17 8 8
Year 2
FallHoursSpringHoursSummer 1HoursSummer 2Hours
EESH 2000 or EEAM 20001Co-opCo-opElective4
JRNL 22014  Elective4
JRNL elective4   
SOCL elective4   
 17 0 0 8
Year 3
FallHoursSpringHoursSummer 1HoursSummer 2Hours
SOCL 33004Co-opCo-opElective4
SOCL elective4  Elective4
JRNL visual storytelling requirement4   
JRNL 3550 or 46504   
 16 0 0 8
Year 4
SOCL elective4SOCL 46004  
JRNL elective4JRNL elective4  
Integrative course4JRNL elective4  
Elective4Integrative course4  
 16 16  
Total Hours: 131