When a student who has confirmed their intent to enroll in a Northeastern University degree program is to be deployed or called to active duty prior to matriculation, they may submit a request for enrollment deferment. For U.S. military cases, students must apply to the Director of Military Affiliated Enrollment and Financial Services. International students should follow the Admission Acceptance Deferral process set forth by the Admissions Office and the Office of Global Services. The respective office will notify the destination academic program of the student’s intent to defer.

The enrollment deferment request shall follow established procedures that include official proof of deployment (or qualifying call to service) and estimated term of future enrollment (if known).  

Under this type of deferment, the following conditions will apply: 

  • Any deposit for the program will be waived and any deposit payment made previously will be credited to the student’s account. 
  • An enrollment deferment shall be posted to the students’ admission record, not to exceed two years beyond the first day of the original term of enrollment.  
  • If the deferment due to deployment or active service continues beyond two years, the student may request further deferment; however, the university reserves the right to request that the student reapply for admission in those cases. 

When the admitted student intends to enroll in the university after completion of military obligation, U.S. military-affiliated students will notify the Director of Military Affiliated Enrollment and Financial Services in writing, including the term they intend to enroll. International students should follow the procedures on the Office of Global Services website for securing the appropriate immigration documentation to join Northeastern for their intended term. The university reserves the right to delay the student’s start term from their intended term due to curriculum alignment or accreditation enrollment caps.