Northeastern University's Policy on Weapons on Campus prohibits the use or possession on university property (which includes, without limitation, all areas owned, leased, or used for university activities) of firearms, explosive agents of any kind, knives (other than as food utensils), and other dangerous weapons, as defined in the policy. Limited exceptions to the university's general prohibition on dangerous weapons are identified in the Policy on Weapons on Campus. Violation of this policy is cause for disciplinary action up to and including expulsion.

Violations of the policy may also constitute violations of state law. For example, Massachusetts law states:

Whoever, not being a law enforcement officer and notwithstanding any license obtained by him under the provisions of chapter one hundred and forty, carries on his person a firearm as hereinafter defined, loaded, or unloaded, in any building or on the grounds of any college or university without the written authorization of the board or officer in charge of said college or university shall be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars or by imprisonment for not more than one year or both. For the purpose of this paragraph, "firearm" shall mean any pistol, revolver, rifle, or smoothbore arm from which a shot, bullet, or pellet can be discharged by whatever means.

Violations of weapons laws are reported under federal and state law.

Any member of the Northeastern community who observes an individual possessing or using a weapon contrary to the Policy on Weapons on Campus should immediately report the activity to the appropriate contact on each campus identified in the policy.