Northeastern University fosters a community that reinforces healthy choices and encourages responsible decision making regarding the use of alcohol and other drugs. Northeastern strives to maintain a working, living, and learning environment that is free from the negative effects that alcohol and other drug use can create. The university supports this philosophy by providing educational programs; resources for treatment; and referrals for students, faculty, and staff who may experience problems related to substance use.

Federal, state, and local laws consider possession, use, manufacture, distribution, and sale of illegal drugs and drug paraphernalia to be serious crimes. Depending upon the offense, conviction can lead to imprisonment, fines, and assigned community service. Sanctions increase on subsequent convictions or if death or serious injury results from the use of the drug. In addition, a variety of other consequences may occur, including ineligibility for federal student grants and loans, and prevention of future entry into many fields of employment or professions.

The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in or on any university property. Note that marijuana remains a controlled substance under U.S . federal law; thus, possession or use of marijuana is prohibited at all Northeastern campuses and university activities. Any university employee or student determined to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. The use of alcohol while on Northeastern property is prohibited except where specifically authorized by the university. No student may report to class or attend a university-sponsored student activity while under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs. Violation of these regulations may be reason to require assessment and brief intervention at the Office of Prevention and Education at Northeastern and/or University Health and Counseling Services. It may also include disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.

Northeastern works to provide a drug-free workplace for all university employees and students. UHCS and OPEN provide resources for treatment and referral for students with substance abuse problems. Additionally, OPEN provides confidential check-in services for students about substance use as well as regular educational programs and events designed to encourage informed decision making regarding substance use. Educational programs for students, employees, and managers are also presented through Human Resources and UHCS and cover information and resources about alcohol and drug abuse, the availability of assistance for counseling and rehabilitation, and penalties for violating university policies.

To comply with federal law, the university requires that employees directly engaged in performance of a grant or contract must notify their employers of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five days after the conviction.

The university must notify any federal contracting agency within 10 days of having received notice that an employee engaged in the performance of such contract has had a criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace. The university will take appropriate action up to and including dismissal and/or require participation in an approved abuse assistance or rehabilitation program.

Additional information and resources regarding the use of drugs and alcohol is available in the university's Notification in Accordance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act and Drug-Free Workplace Act.