Violation Submission and Review Process

In the event a faculty member finds a student in violation of the Academic Integrity Policy, faculty will be asked to submit a report to the Khoury College Academic Integrity Committee. The Academic Integrity Committee will convene on a regular basis to review all proposals and appeals. Students will be notified of the determination made by the Academic Integrity Committee after the nearest meeting takes place. Students will have the opportunity to appeal all decisions made by the college.

Violations by Khoury College Master's Students

Students found in violation of the Academic Integrity Policy will be placed on deferred suspension by the college. A deferred suspension is the most serious formal warning for a violation of the Academic Integrity Policy and remains with the student for the remainder of their time in the program. Based on the severity of the violation, the Academic Integrity Committee may recommend one or more of the following sanctions:

  • Removal of co-op privilege for the remainder of time in the MS program
  • Suspension or deferral of co-op for one to two semesters
  • Disqualification from paid graduate student positions within the college (i.e., graders, course assistants, TA/RA appointments)
  • No further consequence beyond assignment of a deferred suspension

Students deemed to be in violation of the Academic Integrity Policy for a second instance may be terminated from their respective graduate program.

In accordance with university policy, the college maintains the right to override decisions issued by the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution in the area of academic performance.

Students will have the right to appeal any and all decisions issued by the Master's Academic Integrity Committee. The appeals process is outlined below.

Appeals Process

Students are entitled to appeal all decisions made by the college’s Academic Integrity Appeals Committee. The appeals committee will be comprised of a graduate co-op faculty member, the associate director of graduate student services, and one Khoury faculty member. Cases submitted concerning students from interdisciplinary programs will be reviewed by an appeals committee that includes a member of the partner college administration at the associate dean or faculty level. Student appeals will first be heard by the committee itself and then by the college dean. In the event the appeal is denied at both college levels, the student will have the right to have their appeal heard by a provost review committee. Appeals will be heard on a monthly basis, in accordance with the Academic Integrity Committee meeting schedule.

Details regarding the university appeal process can be found in the graduate catalog here.